TESTIMONY. “Smoking cannabis every day makes me a better mother”

TESTIMONY. “Smoking cannabis every day makes me a better mother”
TESTIMONY. “Smoking cannabis every day makes me a better mother”

Jardine McMillan, aged 40 and from Twechar, Scotland, spent years of battling chronic pain caused by several illnesses, including hypermobility syndrome, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Initially prescribed with pregabalin to relieve pain, she quickly finds herself in a state of depression and lethargyunable to lead a normal life or even enjoy simple moments with her children, explains The Mirror.

For six years, Jardine followed this treatment, taking three tablets a day without any real improvement. “I felt numb, depressed, and the pain was still there“, she says. The situation was such that she could no longer cuddle her children without feeling intense pain. That’s when a friend told her about medical cannabis.

“Medical cannabis has dramatically improved my life”

After extensive research and medical consultations, Jardine decided to turn to medical cannabis.
She obtains a private prescription via the Alternaleaf online clinic, for 300 euros per month. She now uses a cannabis vaporizer every two hours, alternating between two types of flowers, one for the day and one for the night.

In just 12 weeks, she stops pregabalin completely. “Medical cannabis has dramatically improved my life. I can enjoy time with my children again“, she says. Cannabis allows her to manage her pain without feeling the psychoactive effects associated with recreational consumption of this plant.

“My mother quickly noticed the difference”

At first, Jardine’s mother was worried about this new treatment, fearing that her daughter would become dependent or be constantly “stoned“However, she changed her mind when she saw the positive effects on her daughter’s life.”My mother quickly noticed the difference. She saw how much happier and more relaxed I was“, explains Jardine.

The support of his family is crucial in his journey. Her children, too, see a noticeable difference. “My children and my mother have noticed how much more patient I am. I am finally able to get out of bed, wash myself and do the housework.e,” she adds.

“These treatments worsened my joint problems”

Before discovering medical cannabis, Jardine tried various treatments. In 2016, she was put on gabapentin for two years and underwent physiotherapy between 2014 and 2016, but without success. “These treatments made my joint problems worse“, she recalls. Pregabalin, prescribed in 2018, was supposed to be a solution, but ultimately left Jardine in a state of constant pain and depression.

The path to medical cannabis has not been easy. Jardine was initially hesitant due to the stigma surrounding cannabis use, especially as a mother. But the assurance that this treatment was legal and medically supervised finally convinced him to try.



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