these three essential elements to include in your diet

these three essential elements to include in your diet
these three essential elements to include in your diet

Health also involves diet, it is well known. To hope to stay in shape as long as possible, it is important to rely on ingredients that are beneficial for the body. According to Dr. William Li, there are three essentials to include in your diet: omega-3, probiotics and vitamin D. Omega-3 are fatty acids whose merits we continue to praise. Praised for their anti-inflammatory properties, they contribute to the cardiovascular health by increasing good cholesterol (HDL). DHA, which belongs to the Omega-3 family, also plays a fundamental role in the development, maintenance and proper functioning of the brain. What foods are rich in Omega-3? This fatty acid is found in many terrestrial plants, such as walnuts, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, linseed oil, etc. It is also very present in algae, as well as certain fish such as salmon and mackerel. , sardines, herring and tuna. Probiotics, which many take in the form of capsules as food supplements, are significant allies for the intestinal microbiota. Live micro-organisms, they ensure optimal absorption of food and good digestion. Their consumption helps stabilize the immune system. What foods are rich in probiotics? This micro-organism is found in lacto-fermented vegetables, (…)

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