Launch of the Monkeypox epidemic response project in Mbandaka

Launch of the Monkeypox epidemic response project in Mbandaka
Launch of the Monkeypox epidemic response project in Mbandaka

The project to respond to the Monkeypox epidemic in the DRC was launched on Monday June 17 in Mbandaka in the province of Equateur. It particularly concerns the provinces of Equateur and Tshopo. The project is estimated at one million dollars.

With this support from donors, including USAID, the World Health Organization (WHO) delivered 61 complete kits to the provincial authorities of Ecuador, with a view to promoting patient care.

According to experts, the Monkeypox epidemic has been raging since 2022 in Ecuador. It affects all 18 health zones in the province. Its development is becoming worrying. For the first half of 2024 alone, they indicate, Ecuador has recorded more than 4,569 cases, with more than 283 deaths.

These figures are significantly higher than those recorded for the same period in the two previous years. This increase is recorded following the lack of efficient care and awareness, add the experts.

“The project concerns coordination, surveillance, care, infection prevention and control (PCI), risk communication and community engagement, psychosocial care, and also the laboratory component. This project is truly an integrated and complete package to support the fight against Monkeypox in the province of Equateur. explained Monkeypox focal point at WHO/Ecuador, Dr. Briam Ajong.

The project covers the health zones of Bikoro, Bolenge, Bolomba, Lotumbe, Mbandaka and Wangata. However, several challenges remain, including accessibility to intervention sites, communication and lack of funding for other affected areas.

The WHO intends to increase its advocacy with donors. It will rely on the involvement of local authorities and the population for the success of the project, concludes Briam Ajong.



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