This new treatment succeeded in completely eliminating cancer, you will be surprised

This new treatment succeeded in completely eliminating cancer, you will be surprised
This new treatment succeeded in completely eliminating cancer, you will be surprised

This is a milestone in the medical world: a type of rectal cancer has been completely eliminated in all patients who participated in a clinical trial. This success highlights a new immunotherapy treatment, bringing immense hope to patients and researchers.

On the same subject :

An innovative treatment

Dostarlimab-gxly is at the heart of this progress. Developed in collaboration with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) in the United States and the pharmaceutical company GSK, this drug targets a specific target: rectal cancers caused by a genetic mutation known as MMRd (Mismatch Repair Deficient). . MMRd are tumors with a defective DNA repair system, which makes them particularly difficult to treat by conventional means.

The discovery is one of a kind. “As a clinician, I have seen the low impact of standard treatment for MMRd rectal cancer. I am excited about the potential of dostarlimab-gxly in these patients,” says Dr. Andrea Cercek, Section Head of Colorectal Cancer at MSK and principal instigator of the study.

A complete clinical response

How dostarlimab works is based on immunotherapy. Hypermutated tumors, such as MMRd, are initially recognized and attacked by the immune system. However, over time, the cancer progresses, and the immune system loses its ability to detect these cancer cells. Dostarlimab works by reactivating this system.

Oncologist Dr Clélia Coutzac explains: “This medicine guides lymphocytes to recognize cancer cells as harmful again and eliminate them. » The results exceeded expectations: patients treated for six months showed no trace of tumor, whether on MRI, endoscopy or clinical examination.

In summary :



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