Participate in the fight against the proliferation of the tiger mosquito

Participate in the fight against the proliferation of the tiger mosquito
Participate in the fight against the proliferation of the tiger mosquito

The Canton of Neuchâtel wants to slow down the arrival of the tiger mosquito on its territory. The Authorities are asking the population to participate in the census of the species, by reporting the appearance of suspicious insects on the national platform. One measure consists of eliminating the favorite nesting places of tiger mosquitoes, which are stagnant water points in urban areas such as watering cans, unmaintained gutters, or holes in low walls. At the same time, the Cantonal Wildlife, Forests and Nature Service (SFFN) monitors using six nesting traps placed in strategic locations since 2019. The insect will be considered installed when eggs have been discovered for two years in a row in these nesting traps.

The tiger mosquito is smaller than a five-cent coin and can be recognized by its white and black lines on its legs and its white line that crosses its thorax and head. It carries diseases such as dengue, zika virus and chikungunya. The Cantonal Public Health Service (SCSP) has observed for several months a slight increase in cases of dengue in people returning from travel to countries affected by this disease, but indicates that this is not yet a public health problem.

Additional information is available on the canton’s website. /comm-cdf



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