the 3 main motivations of the French

the 3 main motivations of the French
the 3 main motivations of the French

Nearly one in two French people have already followed a diet, according to Ipsos. But why are they trying to lose weight? The teleconsultation company ZAVA asked the question to 4,000 adults over 18 years old. Using a survey, they sought to decipher “the reasons that encourage French people to take steps to transform their physical appearance”.

What pushes the French to start a diet?

All participants had tried to lose weight at least once. After analyzing their responses, the authors of this survey noted that the main motivation of the respondents was health (35% of respondents). The latter evoke “an awareness triggered by a discussion with a health professional”. Aesthetics is the second explanation for the desire for fewer pounds (34% of respondents): participants cite “trigger factors” as triggers.the desire to flirt”of “meet people” or a “new relationship”. The third motivation mentioned is the improvement of their daily life. Then, they cited the desire to be a role model for those close to them (11% of respondents), especially children, and the desire to satisfy someone else (6% of respondents). “We are talking here about changing on the explicit desire of the other as opposed to imposing a change perceived as necessary to seduce or to please.warn the authors of the report.

Weight loss: improving your health, a motivating factor to persevere

They asked participants to identify what helped them maintain their new eating habits. “Limprovement in general healthis cited by 21% of the participants, – particularly among over 60 years old– as the main motivation to maintain efforts”, they observe. External recognition is the second factor, with around 18% of respondents citing it. “Receiving compliments, feeling the pride of those around you and recognition of the progress made or in progress… There is an increased desire to reaffirm their attractiveness and reconnect with an active social life.”, estimate the authors. On the other hand, weight does not seem to be a worrying factor. Only 5% of those questioned said they were interested in it. “Surprising, but rather justified, because the weight displayed does not necessarily reflect the percentages of fat and muscle mass”they comment.

Weight loss: you have to be wary of ““miracle diets”

In total, one in two people surveyed say they have not maintained their efforts beyond two years. Repeated dietary deviations are the most frequently cited reason, but hunger is also often cited. “Dietary rebalancing as part of weight loss must take into account the person’s established habits, and offer alternatives, alerts Dr Sophie Albe-Ly, general practitioner at ZAVA. Of course, there generally has to be a reduction in calories for the approach to work, but it is more about eating differently and offering preferable alternatives to bad habits in place rather than being in the ‘hyper restriction. Otherwise, we don’t get long-term results.”

We must therefore be wary of “miracle diets, which make you lose weight quickly, recalls Health Insurance. “The pounds are often regained just as quickly, or almost, as soon as the diet ends (this is the ‘yo-yo’ effect)warns the organization. Furthermore, diets using poorly diversified dietary practices can be responsible for nutritional deficiencies (calcium, vitamins, etc.).”



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