Fourques: two apprentice bullfighters save a young girl from drowning in the Petit Rhône

Fourques: two apprentice bullfighters save a young girl from drowning in the Petit Rhône
Fourques: two apprentice bullfighters save a young girl from drowning in the Petit Rhône

‌The gesture that saves, “Estar al quit”, is one of the first things we teach students at a bullfighting school. “This means always being ready to intervene when an unforeseen event arises in order to ward off the danger that threatens within the arenas. specifies the Arles bullfighting school. Tuesday June 11, two students from the Arles bullfighting school courageously put this motto into practice in their everyday lives. Hassad Ouache, whose bullfighter name is “Juan de Morena”, and Lysio Strepparana, known as “Lisares” in the bullring, saw a young girl jump from the top of the Fourques bridge and did not hesitate to throw themselves into the swirling water of the little Rhône to help him.

“I saw her jump and she was carried away by the current. So I threw myself into the water”

Lysio was passing on his scooter on the bridge which spans the little Rhône at Fourques when he saw a young girl climb over the railing to jump into the water. “Seeing the girl hesitating, I said to her: “No, don’t do that, no! His friends, if we can call them friends, encouraged him to do it by insisting“, confides the young man. With the strong current and the whirlwinds, Lysio tried to dissuade her, but nothing worked.”I saw her jump and she was immediately carried away by the current. So I threw myself into the water, just like Hassad had done, and the two of us teamed up and got her out of there…“, declares the apprentice bullfighter.

Hassad, for his part, was returning home to Fourques on a scooter when people stopped him. “One said to me: ‘There’s a girl who’s drowning.’ I didn’t hesitate for a second and jumped off the bridge to help him at the same time as Lysio, who had passed through the dike.“, details the young hero. Brought back to the bank, the young girl, who had drunk a few cups, had her eyes starting to roll back. After coming to her senses, comforted by her rescuers, the young girl did not want to wait for the firefighters and vanished into the wild, it was a stupid gamble that could have ended in tragedy.At school we are proud of them“, wrote the Arles bullfighting school on its Facebook account. The two heroes of the day, Hassad Ouache and Lysio Strepparana, two students from the Pays d’Arles bullfighting school, say without hesitation they are ready to start again if They found themselves facing the same situation and believe that what they did was completely normal.



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