June 14: return of the local producers’ market to the Hôtel du Département

June 14: return of the local producers’ market to the Hôtel du Département
June 14: return of the local producers’ market to the Hôtel du Département

Friday June 14, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Department of Loiret is organizing a sale of local products on the square in front of the Hôtel du Département in Orléans. Open to all, this market is an opportunity to consume fresh, local, seasonal, quality products made in Loiret… something to delight you and restore your health!

In partnership with the Loiret Chamber of Agriculture, the Department organizes the sale of local products on the square in front of the Hôtel du Département in Orléans. Open to all, this market is an opportunity to consume locally and meet Loiret producers and artisans. This meeting is part of the Mangeons Loiret territorial food project, through which the community and the public establishment promote local, quality food that is respectful of the environment and profitable for producers.

Friday June 14, fill your basket with bread, pasta, fruits and vegetables, apple juice, honey, chickpeas…

Corneboeuf Farm in Sigloy : flours; farm breads and dry and fresh pasta Hot or cold, dry or fresh pasta is easy to cook – just a few minutes of cooking in boiling water – and to season: a little tomato sauce; olive oil ; Garlic ; salt and presto, that’s it!
They can also be served as an accompaniment to meat or fish or as a main ingredient enriched with cheese, ham, bacon, vegetables, etc. the imagination to match the pasta is limitless, enjoy it!

Serres Bio Val in Saint-Cyr-en-Val : seasonal fruits and vegetables
The first zucchini have arrived! You can cook them in lots of ways : stuffed; in pancake; cold in a salad; in gratin; in quiche; in waffles; in tian; in cake… there are a thousand recipes.

The Apiary of the Four Winds in Saint-Martin d’Abbat: honey, pollen, propolis, sweets and gingerbread
Did you know that honey rejuvenates the immune system thanks to its antioxidants which promote healing and cell regeneration? People who suffer from seasonal allergies, inflammatory problems and flu will be relieved by a daily dose of honey in their diet. A drop of honey on a wound helps prevent the appearance of infection. A little honey in your face mask calms some acne. Honey, beneficial for the balance of intestinal flora, helps with digestion. The fructose, that is to say the sugar, contained in honey has interesting nutritional values.
Drinking a cup of warm milk sweetened with honey is a natural way to cure your sleeping problems. And this antioxidant reduces the formation of free radicals responsible for premature aging of the skin.
We attribute virtues to each product from the hive: royal jelly has restorative and anti-aging properties; pollen strengthens nails and hair; propolis contains purifying effects.

Aquaponic Farm Le petit caillou in Châtillon-Coligny (processed farm products) Apple juice, canned vegetables, vinegars, carp terrines, etc.) May 31, 1er and on June 2, the Vinegar Festival was held in Orléans, at Campo Santo, for which the Department was a partner. We’ve seen great chefs use vinegar in recipes, like egg mayonnaise. Vinegar is used to deglaze, marinate, flavor and season.

EARL Benoît Roussial has Nancray-sur-Rimarde: quinoa, chickpeas, green peas, brown flax, green, black, pink, coral and blonde lentils, buckwheat, spelt, einkorn
Quinoa is rich in protein and fiber that reduce appetite, help lose weight, improve intestinal transit and regulate cholesterol and blood glucose levels. The flavor of quinoa is very mild, so both children and adults enjoy it. This seed is therefore easy to integrate into menus. It goes with meat, fish or chicken and replaces rice or semolina. Quinoa does not contain gluten, making it a good option for people with gluten intolerance.

Edith Combe

Let’s eat Loiret

Through this market, born in April 2020, the Department and the Loiret Chamber of Agriculture support local producers and encourage Loiret residents to consume locally. Which promises quality, respect for the environment and fair remuneration for farmers, so many values ​​defended within the framework of the Mangeons Loiret territorial food project.

This ambition also resulted, in October 2021, in the launch of a Guide to local producers for direct sale and an application to discover on mangeonslocal.loiret.fr (300 producers listed, all Amap-type markets and initiatives, advice on product seasonality or quality labels, etc.).

Department Hotel
15, rue Eugène-Vignat 45000 Orléans



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