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The expert in menopause and perimenopause for complete support

The expert in menopause and perimenopause for complete support
The expert in menopause and perimenopause for complete support

Founded by three women, Mathilde Nême, Hahyeon Park and Jane Douat, Omena is an application intended for women in menopause and perimenopause which supports them by providing them with necessary information and comprehensive monitoring to improve their health and quality of life.

Omena, a revolution for women’s health

After realizing that menopause remained a massively taboo subject, and that there were a multitude of symptoms and a blatant lack of support for women, Mathilde Nême, Hahyeon Park and Jane Douat wanted to overcome this problem. This is how Omena was born, an innovative application dedicated to supporting women during the menopause and perimenopause period which revolves around empowerment, giving women back power over their symptoms. Founded by three dynamic young women aged 25, the app aims to break the taboos surrounding this phase of female life and provide comprehensive and credible support. “Menopause is a saturated market for dietary supplements, but very little reliable information is available. Omena stands out by offering a platform where women can access physical activity programs, nutritional advice, behavioral and cognitive therapies, a medical chat and consultations with specialized doctors,” explains Mathilde. The application, which now has more than 100,000 users, aims to provide all the necessary information so that women can choose the most appropriate treatments and reduce their symptoms in a reliable and personalized way.

Expertise based on close collaboration with health professionals and medical studies

The lack of support for menopause is a real problem in France. “Most doctors are not interested in it or do not take the time to support patients who nevertheless feel lost. However, there are up to 34 symptoms of menopause and more than 80% of women are symptomatic. explains Mathilde. Omena is on a mission to change that by providing programs based on reliable medical information and connecting women with healthcare professionals. Omena works in close collaboration with GEMVI (Study Group on Menopause and Hormonal Aging), of which Dr Brigitte Letombe is a member. This association ensures that all medical information contained in Omena is supported by reliable sources. In addition to GEMVI, Omena collaborates with nutritionists, psychologists, sexologists, and other specialists to provide multidisciplinary support.

Make Omena accessible to all women via companies and mutual insurance companies

Despite significant growth in their B2C turnover (+40% to +90% per month), Omena wishes to commit to making its service accessible to all women, regardless of their financial situation and their geographic area. To do this, the founders are seeking to develop BtoB partnerships, where companies and mutual funds finance access to Omena for their employees and members. Their first deal with the pharmaceutical company GSK marks the start of this expansion. Their goal is to allow as many women as possible to access the application for free so that Omena is considered a real public health service. In the long term, Omena aims for international expansion, focusing first on European countries such as France, Germany, Spain, and Italy, where notions of women empowerment are less advanced than in the States. -United States and United Kingdom. In the longer term, the application could expand to Asia, particularly to Korea where one of the co-founders comes from. Mathilde, Hahyeon and Jane want to transform menopause into a well-supported and informed phase of life, so that all women can live this period with confidence and serenity.

Omena is more than an app; it is a revolution in menopause support, aiming to break taboos and provide comprehensive and reliable support to all women.

Omena application founded by Mathilde Nême, Hahyeon Park and Jane Douat


[email protected]

Instagram @omena.menopause



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