A tattoo increases the risk of cancer by 21%, regardless of its size or location

Tattooing is the art of making a design anchored for life in the skin. A tattoo is for life and you have to be sure not to make a mistake. There are established rules regarding tattooing, such as not being able to get a tattoo before the age of 18. In addition, the tattoo artist must be declared to the director general of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), as explained by the Public Service. Many studies have been carried out on tattoos and their consequences, because ultimately we don’t know much about what they can do to the body. One of the most recent studies on the subject suggests that tattoos increase the risk of developing cancer by 21%. Decryption.

A not very reassuring trigger

Today, in the United States, tattooing is on the rise. The Pew Research Center says there are far more tattoos today than there were decades ago. Thus, 32% of Americans are tattooed, and among them, 22% have several. This study aims to ensure that the tattoo artists procedure is safe and secure. However, this study was also carried out following an unexplained increase in malignant lymphomas, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Researchers at Lund University in Sweden therefore examined the two estimates and looked for a cause and effect link. “ We identified people diagnosed with lymphoma through population registries”said Christel Nielsenassociate professor of epidemiology at Lund University and lead author of the study.

Researchers say that having a tattoo increases the risk of a certain type of cancer by 21%. Non-contractual illustrative photo. Credit: Shutterstock

A study of nearly 12,000 people

A group of individuals was identified, of the same sex, of the same age, without lymphoma. The participants were then questioned about their lifestyles, and whether or not they were tattooed. THE test group consisted of 11,905 people aged 20 to 60, and 2,938 had lymphoma. Of this group of people, 54% responded to this questionnaire as well as 47% without lymphoma. Among the controls, it turned out that 21% of those who responded were tattooed. “ After taking into account other relevant factors, such as smoking and age, we found that the risk of developing lymphoma was 21% higher in people with tattoos.said Nielsen.

An influence on the development of certain cancers

Even before data analysis, researchers knew that tattoo ink exerted an influence on the development of certain cancers. However, the researchers explain that they have not yet identified the cause of these developments. In addition, they believe that larger tattoos could influence the development of cancers. “ We don’t yet know why.”, Nielsen said. “ It can only be assumed that a tattoo, regardless of its size, causes mild inflammation in the body, which could then trigger cancer. The picture is therefore more complex than initially expected.”

Metal nanoparticles from needles could migrate to the lymphatic glands. Non-contractual illustrative photo. Credit: Shutterstock

In older studies, tattoo ink particles containing metal nanoparticles from the needle could migrate to the lymph nodes. Researchers will now study whether tattoos are linked to other types of cancers as well as inflammatory diseases. Learn more? Find the entire study published in the journal eClinical Medicine. And you ? Are you tattooed? Are you aware that they could be responsible for cancer? We would love to read your thoughts or hear about your experience with this. And, if you notice an error in this article, do not hesitate to let us know. Additionally, you can click here to post a comment.

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