An evening dedicated to the fight against endometriosis

HEALTH. Monday May 27, the Jean-Jaurès complex in Bettancourt-la-Ferrée hosted an evening dedicated to endometriosis, organized by the CPTS of Saint-Dizier, in front of around a hundred people.

The evening took place in the form of a conference entitled: “Towards a life with endometriosis, understand, act, free speech”. Doctor Cécile Mézan, gynecologist at the Nancy CHRU, Emilie Pouppart, midwife and Laura Goubet, sexologist spoke, in the presence of volunteers from the Endo France association, which aims to support, inform and act against the disease.

Endometriosis is defined by the presence of symptoms like painful periods, pain during sex, and irritable bowel. “It’s important not to let the pain progress. The quality of life in a woman with endometriosis is 20% lower than in healthy women,” noted Dr. Cécile Mézan.

The gynecologist explained the treatments to follow. A consultation is already necessary with a gynecologist or midwife. “Only laparoscopy allows a diagnosis to be established with certainty. » Hormonal treatments exist, as well as possibly hypnosis, sophrology, and in the worst cases, surgery.

Secondly, midwife Emilie Pouppart explained the important role of midwives and recalled the national strategy throughout the territory which allows better management of the disease. “This ensures rapid diagnosis and access to quality care and allows day hospitalization. »

Finally, Laura Goubet, sexologist, responded to the double challenge of hormonal treatments for endometriosis, which has an impact on libido and sexual desire. The specialist explained how endometriosis causes a lack of erotic availability and provided a better understanding of erotic functioning in women.

From our correspondent Pierre-Olivier Legrand

  • Many women came to find out.


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