“I’m a neurologist, this is the dinner I eat to prevent Alzheimer’s disease”

“I’m a neurologist, this is the dinner I eat to prevent Alzheimer’s disease”
“I’m a neurologist, this is the dinner I eat to prevent Alzheimer’s disease”

More than a million people in France are thought to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease (MY). It is the memory of patients that is mainly affected by this neurodegenerative pathology.

Several risk factors are associated with the occurrence of AD :

  • Age. Although dementia can affect people under the age of 65, it mainly affects the population over 65.
  • Genetic. The risk of developing the disease is increased on average by 1.5 if a first-degree relative is affected.
  • The environment. A sedentary lifestyle, repeated general anesthesia, or even the non-treatment of certain pathologies such as diabetes or hypertension could increase the risk of developing AD.

Alzheimer’s disease: can diet prevent it?

Based on the work “The Anti-Alzheimer Guide, the secrets of a brain in great shape” by Professor Philippe Amouyel, the Alzheimer Foundation believes that diet could help prevent the onset of the disease. An opinion shared by doctor Dr. Jonathan J. Rasouli, neurosurgeon interviewed by Parade magazine. The latter considers it interesting to explore the link that there could be between the development of this form of dementia, which is AD, and the food we consume. “ If we can potentially reduce our risk of Alzheimer’s disease by eating certain foods, then why not? Seems like a risk worth taking “, did he declare. In addition, a study published in December 2023 in the scientific journal Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease revealed that following a diet low in animal products with plenty of anti-inflammatory foods and low glycemic load could be useful in preventing the occurrence of the AD.

Alzheimer’s disease: the dinner recommended by a neurologist to reduce your risk

Dr. Rasouli revealed the dinner he prepares to prevent the onset of AD: grilled salmon seasoned with turmeric, accompanied by steamed broccoli. “ Although there is no conclusive link between eating certain foods and preventing Alzheimer’s disease, I like foods that incorporate healthy omega fatty acids and phytonutrients and are low in carbohydrates and in processed sugars and fats “, did he declare. “ The meal is quite healthy on its own, but it’s generally a good idea to be careful with carbohydrate intakesugar and salt, as these can contribute to insulin resistance and poor health. »

According to the specialist, This example of dinner would not only benefit brain health. It would have health benefits on a broader scale. “ Any dinner low in processed ingredients, sugars and unhealthy fats would be a good dinner not only for Alzheimer’s prevention but also for your overall health “, he explained to Parade journalists. “ I like to stay away from red meats, processed meats like sausages, and anything high in sugar. These have been shown to contribute to insulin resistance, which is a risk factor for dementia. »



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