Protect your cardiovascular health but in practice how to do it?

Protect your cardiovascular health but in practice how to do it?
Protect your cardiovascular health but in practice how to do it?

Sedentary lifestyle is the 4thcause of death in the world. It increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 2.5, the risk of type 2 diabetes by 2 and promotes certain cancers (colon, uterus) as well as obesity and anxiety-depressive syndromes.

National recommendations are to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day, 5 times per week and double that for children, i.e. 1 hour per day, every day. However, 95% of French people do not respect these recommendations.

Faced with this observation, and as part of its 2024-2026 three-year plan, Optim’Services Medical Services* began, in March, a series of meetings on the general themes of combating a sedentary lifestyle and promoting physical activity.

This cycle of events was inaugurated on March 14 by a conference entitled: “Protecting your cardiovascular health! But in practice how to do it? “.

Doctors GAULTIER, cardiologist specializing in the management of acute cardiac episodes, and RUFFIN, cardiologist focused on cardiac rehabilitation took turns at the microphone after an intervention by Doctor BAUDOT, occupational physician for the SNCF Medical Services and referent for the promotion and prescription of adapted physical activity.

They present in a simple and concrete way the risks associated with lack of physical activity and the possible consequences on our cardiovascular health.

It is important to understand in order to act and modify our behavior in a sustainable way.

Watch the conference in replay:

* There CPR is a partner of SNCF medical services as part of CAP PREV’ ; a partnership aimed at strengthening cooperation during prevention actions deployed jointly.



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