health centers are mobilizing to fight against pain

Chronic, sexual, medication-related pain: World Pain Day is dedicated each year to the many ailments that cause us suffering. Participatory and informative workshops are organized on Monday October 21 in , all day. At the Joseph Ducuing hospital, located in the Saint-Cyprien district, a wide variety of specialists will be brought together to explain the pain process, in several forms. The “La Roseraie” functional rehabilitation center, located in , focuses its programming on chronic pain.

Decipher, explain to try to relieve

From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., activities at the Left Bank hospital will be open with free access and without registration. The site plans to address (almost) the entire spectrum of pain, and its solutions. Thus, suffering linked to intimate life, cancer, mental health and even food will be discussed. At the same time, techniques for relief methods through meditation, hypnosis, art therapy, cardiac coherence or physical activity will be explained by specialists.

From 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the Joseph Ducuing hospital, a time for discussion and collection of testimonies is organized for participants. © Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Chronic pain, a never-ending evil?

At the functional rehabilitation center “La Roseraie” (Montfaucon), the workshops will focus on chronic pain and its non-drug treatment. Suffering described as “lasting more than three months”, persisting “more than a month after healing”, or “associated with a lesion which does not heal”. Of very varied origin, these ailments paralyze and greatly complicate the daily lives of patients, often forced to opt for heavy drug treatment. So, on October 21, the center will mobilize several specialists on therapeutic and “natural” options to relieve chronic pain. Stress management, sport, mental and creative activities: everything will be explained in detail by healthcare professionals.

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