how to fight against them as the Olympics approach

how to fight against them as the Olympics approach
how to fight against them as the Olympics approach

Tiger mosquitoes, in addition to giving itchy spots, can transmit viruses responsible for diseases such as dengue, zika or chikungunya. France is also experiencing an increase in imported cases of Dengue fever.. The authorities’ fear is that the number of tropical infections will increase on our territory during the Olympics

How is it possible ? Travelers are not going to import mosquitoes? Because in fact, the mosquito is only a vector of the disease. It is not he who will create dengue, he will simply transmit it to humans after having been contaminated himself. To put it simply, a person sick with dengue will be bitten by a mosquito.

The mosquito becomes contaminated and will then bite a healthy person who will then become ill themselves. So if we combine the millions of tourists who will arrive with the proliferation of tiger mosquitoes, we have the perfect cocktail to see tropical diseases develop here.

How to recognize this tiger mosquito?

As its name suggests, it is tabby, so it has black and white stripes on its body and legs. On the other hand, it is very small, it is around 5mm but is quite fast.

Unlike the common mosquito (which spends the night biting you and whose noisy flight prevents you from sleeping), the tiger mosquito is silent and diurnal, that is to say it bites during the day (mainly during the day). morning and evening).

Municipalities are carrying out real commando operations against these mosquitoes

The tiger mosquito is present and active in 78 departments of the metropolis. Île-de-France is therefore far from being the only one on alert. As for fighting these mosquitoes, you can always buy products in supermarkets, but we must fight the evil at the root and fight against the reproduction of this mosquito.

How can we do ? 80% of tiger mosquito breeding grounds are found in private plots. However, the tiger mosquito thrives in stagnant water reserves. It is therefore necessary to cover the water tanks, ensure that the gutters flow properly, empty the water cups lying around, put away the buckets, watering cans or wheelbarrows, etc.
Municipalities are carrying out real commando operations against these mosquitoes with products like BTI which is a non-toxic larvicide for humans and biodiversity in the form of small seeds.

CO2 traps are installed imitating human breathing and attracting female mosquitoes which will then be trapped. Some towns also provide bat shelters, which are a predatory species of the insect. Between the bat and the tiger mosquito… it’s up to you to choose.

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