here are the countries with the highest incidence rates per 100,000 people according to the WHO

Every year, the month of October is adorned with pink in honor of breast cancer prevention. If this disease is universal, the incidence rate is higher in certain countries, recalled the World Health Organization (WHO).

The most common cancer for women. The month of October has begun and with it the “Pink October” campaign which aims to raise awareness among as many people as possible about the risk of breast cancer. According to the WHO, the incidence rate is higher in certain countries.

As a reminder, INSEE defines the incident rate as “the number of new cases of a pathology observed during a given period – incident population – to the population from which the cases came (during this same period) – target population -. It is one of the most important criteria for evaluating the frequency and speed of appearance of a pathology.

Unfortunately, mainland France is the country with the highest incidence rate per 100,000 people according to WHO figures for the year 2022. Thus, the recorded rate is 105.4, i.e. say that approximately 105.4 individuals are affected by breast cancer out of 100,000.

In addition, the recorded mortality rate is 15.8%, which is the second highest among the ten countries with the highest incidence rate.


In second place is Cyprus. For this country, the incidence rate recorded by the WHO in 2022 for breast cancer is 104.8. Unfortunately, Cyprus also has a high mortality rate of 18.6%.


Belgium is in third position among the countries with the highest incidence rate for breast cancer. Approximately 104.4 people are affected out of 100,000 people. The mortality rate recorded by the WHO is 14.2%.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands comes in fourth place. For this country, the incidence rate recorded by the WHO in 2022 for breast cancer is 101.6. The mortality rate is 14.5%


In fifth position is Australia, which records a breast cancer incidence rate per 100,000 people of 101.5 for a mortality rate of 12.3%.



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