Pink October: in , they are made aware of self-examination by the Maison des femmes

Pink October: in , they are made aware of self-examination by the Maison des femmes
Pink October: in Calais, they are made aware of self-examination by the Maison des femmes

The women’s house in partnership with the Les Dentelles roses association and the hospital center, organized breast cancer awareness day which attracted around forty women who came to participate in the various workshops. The opportunity to return to the importance of screening and self-examination. “ Some women will not go directly to the doctor or hospital to talk about their health problems or get tested. These workshops are places of exchange which will perhaps lead them to be screened. “, explains Priscillia Duplauqet, project manager for the women’s center.

For a hospital center, the best care is that which it does not provide.

Aurélien Cadartdirector of care at Calais Hospital

Thus, the forty participants were able to receive advice on diet, well-being, cooking or adapted physical activities in addition to be made aware of self-palpation. This involves palpating your chest to detect any abnormalities. “ Pink October concerns us all. We are never safe from being affected. Whatever our status, we must mobilize », Underlines Natacha Bouchart, mayor of Calais.

This day brought together a certain number of health professionals from the Calais hospital center, partner of this day. “ For a hospital center, the best care is that which it does not provide. Hence the importance of prevention. The earlier the cancer is treated, the greater the chances of cure. », concludes Aurélien Cadart, director of care at Calais Hospital.



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