here is the most radical solution to lose belly fat and keep it off, according to an expert

here is the most radical solution to lose belly fat and keep it off, according to an expert
here is the most radical solution to lose belly fat and keep it off, according to an expert

You can’t lose your flabby stomach, even if you watch your diet and do sports? Here is the radical solution to adopt to lose belly fat and eliminate stubborn abdominal fat, according to an expert. It also helps to keep weight off.

The abdominal fat which gives bulges above the jeans and which makes the stomach flabby, is a complex for everyone, all genders and all ages. It must be said that in addition to making us self-conscious, it is also a type of fat that can be difficult to dislodge in some people. As explained to us by Doctor Alexandre Koutsomanis, this subcutaneous fat being a storage fat, it happens that certain people who have “a balanced diet and physical activity” stored at stomach level under the skin “despite their impeccable diet”due to their metabolism and/or their age.

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It is in these specific cases where the overall management of excess belly fat fails to be eliminated by practicing the best exercises to lose belly fat or the most effective sport to burn calories, or even by adopting good daily habits to lose belly fat, that the radical solution proposed by the doctor turns out to be the most relevant. This is the liposuction which allows lose belly fat even when you can’t do it any other way.

Abdominal fat: here is the most effective radical solution to lose belly fat, according to an expert

As the specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery explains, abdominal fat is an excessively frequent reason for consultation, “if not the number one request” in office. To correct this aesthetic disorder, Doctor Alexandre Koutsomanis explains that the solution “by far the most effective is liposuction”. As he reveals to us, this surgical procedure consists of introducing a liposuction cannula at the level of this subcutaneous fat and “literally sucking out the fat to get rid of it quite permanently since we remove all of the abdominal fatty tissue”.

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As he points out, this procedure has also benefited from improvement over the years. Little is known about it, but nowadays we have so-called HD liposuction treatments, which use machines that will melt and liquefy the fat when it is sucked out. “So we are much more complete with the gesture and we obtain more precision, we really manage to place the skin back on the muscles and we have great results of a flat stomach, with visible abs after this liposuction”, notes the doctor.

Abdominal fat: here is the radical solution that makes you lose belly fat and prevents it from gaining it back, according to a doctor

It is much less known, but this cosmetic surgery procedure is also of great help in not restocking abdominal fat once the excess belly fat has been removed.

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“After this surgical procedure, it becomes more difficult to regain fat at this level. Afterwards it is not impossible if you gain a lot of weight, but it is much more difficult”reveals the doctor.

Abdominal fat: here is the case to know where this surgery will not remove your belly fat

Although it offers the best “flat stomach” results in cases of subcutaneous abdominal fat, you should keep in mind that its effects will be limited if you have a lot of visceral abdominal fat (that which is located under the abdominal muscles and around organs deeper in the body), which is the worst for health and which leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

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Not only, “we will always have a slightly round stomach” after surgery if you do not treat this health problem correctly according to the expert, but contrary to popular belief, you should not think that having surgery will miraculously protect you from all risks linked to your health, because the procedure does not Don’t act on it.

Abdominal fat: what you need to know before having the best surgery to lose belly fat quickly and keep it off

Most of the time carried out under general anesthesia, on an outpatient basis, it is a surgery which allows you to leave the same evening after the procedure. What to expect next? At the appearance of some bruising and swelling which will last approximately three to four weeks, and to wear a girdle during this post-operative period.

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It is after a month that you will observe a very satisfactory result, which is perfected around 3 to 6 months post-operatively. Rest assured, this procedure does not leave big scars: “these are scars of 3 to 5 mm maximum on the stomach which are very discreet, even invisible”assures the surgeon. On the budget side, liposuction costs a minimum of 4,500 euros to 5,000 euros, and the cost of the surgery can be much higher depending on the liposuction techniques used by your doctor.



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