Treatments for breast cancer: the importance of being supported

Treatments for breast cancer: the importance of being supported
Treatments for breast cancer: the importance of being supported

For the OncoBerry association, supporting people with cancer is essential to inform about the pathology and help support treatments. Each year, OncoBerry supports 200 cancer patients; 80% of this patient population has breast cancer.

Every year, OncoBerry supports 200 people suffering from cancer. “80% of this patient population has breast cancer,” emphasizes Marie-Ange Fontanille.

For the association volunteer, and her former coordinator, this support is essential to inform about the pathology and help support the treatments.

Psychological support, sophrology, shiatsu…

OncoBerry finances follow-up care, “consultations whose number is predetermined”. Among this supportive care, we find psychological support for the patient and their family, dietary support, socio-aesthetics, sophrology, shiatsu, equine mediation, etc.

Breast cancer: three women facing the disease

In these disciplines, the association only works with professionals who have completed very specific training. “We are hyper vigilant,” warns Marie-Ange Fontanille. Socio-aesthetics, for example, is not nonsense, it is real work on self-image. »

Faced with the medical desert, “we tinker”

Among the advice she gives, Marie-Ange Fontanille insists that you have to listen to yourself, to your feelings. “When you are patient, you must not let go of the medical staff until they have answered your questions. »

The medical desertification which is hitting the Cher worries the volunteer. “We talk about prevention, screening, that’s very good. You still need to have access to specialists and general practitioners. In the Cher, faced with the lack of doctors, we tinker. »

The weight of medical deductibles

The Berry association reminds us that being sick has a cost. “Cancer treatments are 100% covered for ALD (long-term illness). Not the extras that make it easier to cope with the illness: wigs, varnishes that prevent nails from blackening or splitting during chemo, post-ablation bras, etc.,” says Marie-Ange Fontanille.

Without forgetting the weight of medical deductibles. “A euro per box is not much when you have one or two boxes of medicine. I have already reached the 250 euros deductible this year,” points out Margaux, one of the patients followed by OncoBerry.

The association lives on its own funds

Created in 2004, OncoBerry has no longer been financed by the Regional Health Agency since 2011. It has since been supported by its own funds: donations, contributions, partnerships and the Pink Strides of Berry Harmonie Mutuel, which take place this year on the 19th. and October 20, in .

Marie-Claire Raymond

Dons. To donate to OncoBerry, send to: 210, route de Vouzeron, 18230 Saint-Doulchard.



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