Salviac. Sport, an essential asset for overcoming illness

Salviac. Sport, an essential asset for overcoming illness
Salviac. Sport, an essential asset for overcoming illness

Jointly with the municipality of Salviac, the territorial prevention support team (Etap) of the Gourdon hospital, the coordination center for cancer screening, and three sports associations, organized a day on Tuesday, October 8 dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. Delphine Bedou, CTG cooperation officer, and Christine Dhieux, deputy delegate for health and personal services of the municipal social action center (CCAS), were alongside the mayor of Salviac, François Dols, the president of the community of municipalities; Mireille Figeac, and two advisors; Aude Pezerat and Philippe Méline, who participated, with around fifty people, in the march led by the “ ça marche ” and Cazalrando associations.

Théo Lavernhe, is a sports coach and member of the Etap “health prevention” team, whose role is to intervene and inform on all events relating to health in general. It is aimed at an audience ranging from nurseries to nursing homes. The goal is to convey global health messages in a fun way, either through games or through personalized activities or actions adapted to each person’s needs. Théo is surrounded, among others, by a dietician; Margaux Vignes, present behind the stand of the Maison de la Prévention, a midwife from the Gourdon hospital; Emmanuelle Ban Parys who, on stage occasionally transformed into a cabinet, offered screening sessions.

The environment is also addressed, as well as health, sexuality, etc. A Sports and Health center has been created at Oustal de Gourdon. Its goal is to welcome people suffering from pathology and wishing to resume physical activity. In groups of three people maximum, Sport santé gets them back on track in three months thanks to personalized activities.

Théo concludes by specifying: “Our objective is to then direct them towards sports associations, because the activity allows them to maintain autonomy! But we do not let them go, we ensure regular monitoring.”

More than a hundred people participated in this day, and €750 in donations were collected! They will be entirely donated to the League Against Cancer.



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