Faced with viral infections, the University Hospital is equipped with a unique unit in

The University Hospital Center (CHU) has just set up the Elytron, a high isolation unit, in order to strengthen the establishment’s capacity to manage patients suspected of viral infections.

The Elytron station is mobile and deployable in three hours. – © Catherine Jouannet

The Angers University Hospital Center (CHU) has just put into service a high isolation unit, called Elytron, designed to deal with epidemics such as those of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, such as the Ebola virus.

« These epidemics have been marked by local outbreaks in recent years, posing a risk of introducing isolated cases into . As a regional reference health establishment for Epidemic and Biological Risk (REB), the Angers University Hospital is responsible for the care of patients presenting symptoms of viral infections. », explains Doctor Yves-Marie Vandamme, infectious disease doctor and REB referent.

A first in France

Supported by the Regional Health Agency (ARS), the Elytron is a first in France for the management of emerging biological risks. The unit is designed to be deployed quickly, within a few hours, to ensure an effective response in the event of the appearance of symptoms suggestive of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever in a patient.

« The Elytron represents a response from the Angers University Hospital to these increasingly present and significant health threats. The Covid-19 episode pushed us to become proactive in this area », Indicates Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez, director of the CHU.

Acquired thanks to the Fund for Modernization and Investment in Health (FMIS) and the support of the ARS Pays de la Loire, the Elytron represents a total cost of €425,283, including €325,283 for the device and €100,000 € for the necessary equipment.

« From an all-or-nothing logic, crisis management must evolve towards a posture of permanent monitoring with variable crisis intensities, from a matter of specialists with great technical expertise, it must constitute a collective culture allowing the most large number of people have essential reflexes », Supports Karen Burban-Evain, director of public and environmental health at the Pays de la Loire Regional Health Agency.

A deployment in three hours

The advantage of this modular and mobile device is that it can be installed near emergency and medical resuscitation services: “ If a patient arrives with symptoms consistent with a viral infection, the University Hospital team can deploy the unit in just three hours while respecting strict safety protocols. », continues Dr Yves-Marie Vandamme.

In total, the unit consists of a treatment room, an entrance airlock to minimize the risk of contamination, two negative pressure rooms, each equipped with an exit airlock. The air circulating in these chambers is treated and discharged in a secure manner. When unfolded, the Elytron occupies an area of ​​9.3 m by 6 m, with a height of 2.6 m.

The device can accommodate two patients simultaneously. – © Angers.Villactu.fr

The objectives of the Elytron are “ to immediately isolate the patient to provide appropriate care while awaiting confirmation or denial of the diagnosis, to minimize the risk of spreading the infection, particularly to hospital caregivers, to protect other people present in the health establishment, but also to take samples in secure conditions to determine if the patient is infected by a highly pathogenic agent », Describes the infectious disease doctor.

Once these steps have been completed, the University Hospital can provide adequate care depending on the results, either by maintaining the patient within the Angers University Hospital or by transferring them to the University Hospital, recognized as a national reference health establishment. for REB risk.

A training tool

Since acquiring the Elytron, the University Hospital has implemented a training program for its teams, with the support of the Emergency Care Education Center (CESU). Around 80 hospital workers, mainly caregivers, will be trained to respond effectively in the event of a REB alert.

The modular unit also makes it possible to organize training on Exceptional Health Situations (ESS) on site, without requiring the use of hospital rooms.

The Elytron is part of the Convergences real estate program, validated by the State at the start of 2023. This project provides for the reorganization of emergency services, operating theaters and critical care between 2029 and 2037. The Elytron will be integrated into the future Emergency building and will be completed by the creation of two negative pressure surgical intensive care rooms.

The device can also be used for other applications, in particular as a vaccination point during periods of epidemic, to take biological samples. In the event of a massive influx of patients, the Elytron can accommodate up to eight stretchers, which helps relieve emergency department congestion.

Par Eline Vion.

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