30 doctors with free access in Bougainville Park in

30 doctors with free access in Bougainville Park in
30 doctors with free access in Bougainville Park in Marseille

An infant mortality rate well above the regional average (+60%), over-represented chronic diseases (from +20% to +40% depending on the pathologies), excess mortality from infectious diseases (+80% for AIDS, +90% % for influenza) compared to the rest of the region…

The figures collected by Inserm between 2012 and 2016 reveal what may constitute the first inequalities faced by populations in northern neighborhoods: access to health. If the opening of health centers in Flamants (14th) or Aygalades (15th) attempts to reduce the divide in access to care, the Health Village, installed until Saturday in Bougainville Park (3rd), must him to be interested in prevention.

“Reduce inequalities”

Open to all from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., this village coordinated by the City and the AP-HM provides the public with around thirty health professionals, for on-site diagnostics, in around twenty specialties. Diabetes, mental health, heart and arteries, gynecology, children’s health or sexual and emotional life, doctors at the public hospital provide advice and identify possible problems after a simple questionnaire or quick screening.

The objective here is not to treat but to reduce inequalities in access to the prevention message.details François Crémieux, general director of the AP-HM. When we are less informed, less surrounded by health professionals, we are less able to spot certain problems. You may delay getting tested and find yourself faced with delays in receiving treatment. Many pathologies can be avoided thanks to elements linked to prevention.

Around twenty slots next week

In addition to these screenings on sitethe AP-HM has released around twenty slots next week, at Timone and at the hospital, in order to offer a rapid consultation with a specialist, if a problem is detected.

This Health Village is an extension of the experience of the Women’s Bus, which for three years had made it possible to offer the same services to hundreds of Marseillaises. “We saw that the system worked and we wanted to extend it to men and children.continues Professor Gabrielle Sarlon, Village coordinator for the AP-HM. Based on feedback from the Women’s Bus, we note an over-representation of diabetes and obesity in . Subjects on which prevention is decisive.

A model “to be duplicated in the city center”

This punctual village in “a process of moving towards” was inaugurated this Wednesday by Michèle Rubirola. “Here, we act upstream to avoid treatmentsays the first assistant (EELV) in charge of health. With the AP-HM, we created public health centers in the North and it is a model that we want to duplicate in the city center. A third health center should also be created in the 14th, at the bastide Massenet. We are leading global action for access to health for all.



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