Why does asparagus make urine smell?

Why does asparagus make urine smell?
Why does asparagus make urine smell?

The month of May marks peak asparagus season. And with it, a question that many consumers ask themselves: why eating asparagus can give urine such a particular smell? The main person responsible is clearly identified. This is actually aspargusic acid, which is found exclusively in asparagus. When you eat asparagus and then digest it, it breaks down into sulfur-containing byproducts. And when you go to the bathroom, these sulfur byproducts evaporate almost immediately, giving your urine that distinctive smell.

“Asparagus pee” appears quickly

Thus, “asparagus pee” generally appears between 15 and 30 minutes after eating the vegetable and can last for several hours.

Did you know that we are not equal when it comes to asparagus? According to researchers from the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, only 20 to 50% of us experience this phenomenon. According to scientists, “if some people don’t know the joys of asparagus pee, it’s because we digest foods differently. And some people can break down sulfur byproducts more efficiently than others. »



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