meeting with Dorothée, a Châlonnais tattoo artist specializing in paramedical tattooing

meeting with Dorothée, a Châlonnais tattoo artist specializing in paramedical tattooing
meeting with Dorothée, a Châlonnais tattoo artist specializing in paramedical tattooing

« I have always had a more or less distant link with medicine “. An accomplished business leader, Dorothée previously worked in medical equipment, but also in emergencies. It is therefore quite natural that this tattoo artist, well known to the Châlonnais, wanted to add a string to her bow by also offering paramedical tattooing and areola reconstruction.

Floral, but not only

Camellia ink

Initially focused on detailed, realistic florals, but with a touch of ornamental, Dorothée also offers her services to women affected by breast cancer. After more than a year of training, first remotely to learn hyperrealistic drawing, then in person, 5 warriors have already passed under his needles. She has also set up a private space for them in her tattoo parlor, so that they can feel in their own bubble.

I want them to feel like they are in a wellness institute and not yet another medical establishment, that they rediscover their femininity. This is the end point of the disease.

After training, Dorothée approached several organizations to make her work known. “ Many women don’t necessarily know what it is possible to do “. And then one day, she joined the Sœurs d’encre collective, an association specializing in scar tattooing. “ When I started, that was my goal, I wanted to be a part of it. I’ve been there for two years, and it’s a source of pride for me because it’s a guarantee of the quality of my work. ».

Instagram DAqRTFvtSXG

Real support work

Dorothée explains to us that her work goes beyond the simple aesthetic act, it is also therapeutic, even liberating. It’s a renewal for these women who are leaving again “ with a smile and tears! “Her support too, as a tattoo artist, is essential,” we are followed by professionals, surgeons, doctors, we have real psychological follow-up both for the clients and for us “. If its activity tends to become more and more known, the battle is not yet won. The next step is to succeed in having this support recognized, so that it is taken care of and reimbursed. It is also a practice which tends to democratize tattooing, giving it a new dimension and a new approach. A fight that Dorothée is leading head-on both in her living room and on her networks.



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