Case of meningitis in : the vaccination campaign begins on October 10

Case of meningitis in : the vaccination campaign begins on October 10
Case of meningitis in Grenoble: the vaccination campaign begins on October 10

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regional health agency (ARS) announces that a meningococcal B vaccination campaign will begin on Thursday October 10, 2024. It is aimed at students from , who may have been in contact with the three cases diagnosed in mid-September.

In total, 4,000 students are affected by this vaccination campaign: those registered at Polytech and those in the Sciences and Technologies degree, all levels combined. The ARS ensures that “Vaccination against meningococcus B is the most effective measure to prevent complications in the event of infection.” The regional health agency specifies that young people will be able to be vaccinated without advance payment. They will be able to go:

  • either at student health servicebetween October 10 and 18. Vaccination is fully covered, with or without mutual insurance.
  • either with a healthcare professional in Saint-Martin-d’Hères and Grenoble. Vaccination will be possible upon receipt of the mail
    vaccination covered on presentation of the mutual card.
  • either at a pharmacist : without appointment.

Sick students “out of danger”

This vaccination campaign comes after the hospitalization of three students in mid-September with meningitis. “Their state of health is now reassuring”adds the regional health agency. The ARS specifies thatno other cases have been reported since September 20.



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