“A dangerous financial arbitration”: the budget of the cancer prevention center cut by 30% in New Aquitaine

“A dangerous financial arbitration”: the budget of the cancer prevention center cut by 30% in New Aquitaine
“A dangerous financial arbitration”: the budget of the cancer prevention center cut by 30% in New Aquitaine

The cancer screening coordination center in Nouvelle-Aquitaine should see its budget cut by 30%. “A dangerous financial arbitration devoid of coherence”, are indignant several department presidents, including that of Haute-.

In this month of “Pink October”*, the news is not good. If we are to believe the Social Security financing bill for 2025, the cancer screening coordination center in New Aquitaine should see its budget cut by 30%.

A visibly unexpected dark cut, and which arouses the anger of the presidents of left-wing departments in the greater region.


The six elected officials**, including Haut-Viennois Jean-Claude Leblois, have just written to the Minister of Health. In their letter, they denounce “a dangerous financial arbitration, lacking coherence with regard to the challenges represented by the detection and early treatment of cancers, both on the chances of cure and on the life expectancy of patients. »

“The incomprehension of this decision is all the more important in a context of aging of the population and the increase in associated pathologies”, continue the elected officials, who nevertheless put forward largely positive results (+14% on screening for breast cancer and + 50% on colorectal cancer screening for the year 2024), and do not forget to recall that the strategy carried out by the cancer coordination center in Nouvelle-Aquitaine was praised by an IGAS report from 2022.

Paltry savings?

“Moreover, estimate the six department presidents, we know that the amounts “saved” on prevention and early detection policies will be insignificant compared to the costs incurred for the treatment of more advanced cancers. In addition to the health risk posed by this decision on the health of neo-Aquitaine residents, it is also a question of safeguarding dozens of health professional positions under the threat of the risk of closure of departmental branches which nevertheless provide a quality service. closest to those administered. »

Unprecedented restrictions

This bad news comes in a context of almost unprecedented budgetary restrictions which particularly affects territories and local authorities. 100,000 civil servant positions would be in the spotlight, including a large proportion of territorial civil servants.

“These are essential positions, so what do you want to see eliminated?? », asks the president of the Haute-Vienne departmental council, Jean-Claude Leblois.

A minister… neo-Aquitaine

The debate obviously touches on politics, and the letter sent by local elected officials from New Aquitaine to the Minister of Health is not devoid of additional messages… Professional doctor, re-elected deputy for Landes last July before obtaining the health portfolio, Geneviève Darrieussecq knows New Aquitaine perfectly having sat on several occasions first in the Aquitaine assembly, then in that of the greater region (since 2021).

“The Minister of Health has established prevention as a “major axis” of her action, conclude the left-wing elected officials in their letter. Therefore, we invite him to put words into action. We will remain vigilant on the follow-up that she decides to give to this matter, because we will never bring ourselves to accept that the government skimps on the health of Neo-Aquitaine. »

Every year, the month of October marks the national breast cancer prevention campaign.

(**) Philippe Bouty (Charente), Germinal Peiro (Dordogne), Jean-Claude Leblois (Haute-Vienne), Jean-Luc Gleyze (), Xavier Fortinon (Landes), Sophie Borderie (Lot-et-Garonne).



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