What is the best time of day to eat chocolate without gaining weight?

What is the best time of day to eat chocolate without gaining weight?
What is the best time of day to eat chocolate without gaining weight?

When we want to lose weight, we generally try to limit snacking and rebalance our diet. Add to this a sporting activity to stay healthy and burn extra calories. However, if you are a big chocolate lover, resisting temptation can sometimes be difficult.

Good news for you! To continue to treat yourself while maintaining your goal, simply limit your consumption and choose the right time to enjoy it.

The perfect time to eat chocolate

Nathalie Negro, dietician, explains that “ The ideal is to consume dark chocolate whose fat content is cocoa butter “. Dark chocolate also contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

As a general rule, it is not recommended to consume chocolate in the morning. According to the expert, “ For those who tend to feel hungry in the morning, it’s best to avoid foods that are too sweet, as blood sugar is more responsive at this time of day. However, if you opt for dark chocolate, in small quantities, there is no particular problem in consuming it in the morning “.

Choose the moment when you want it the most

Nathalie Negro then recommends eating chocolate when you want it most. If it’s in the evening in front of the television, reserve this time of day for yourself and avoid consuming it at other times. This will help you avoid eating too much.

A quantity not to exceed

But actually, what is “too much chocolate”? A tablet, a half? The dietician advises not to exceed a quantity of 20 to 30 grams of chocolate per day, which corresponds to approximately three squares of chocolate.



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