Towards revolutionary breast reconstruction thanks to biodegradable 3D prostheses

Towards revolutionary breast reconstruction thanks to biodegradable 3D prostheses
Towards revolutionary breast reconstruction thanks to biodegradable 3D prostheses

Some 61,214 new cases of breast cancer were recorded in in 2023. In almost a third of cases, a ablationablation partial or total breast, called mastectomy, has taken place, and although breast reconstruction is not obligatory, most women want to regain the most natural silhouette possible. However, conventional breast reconstruction techniques based on the use of silicone implants or the grafting of fatty tissue taken from another part of the body are not without risks: rejection, infections, hardening of the tissue around the implant. (called “shells”))ruptures, asymmetries or even necrosis… Faced with this observation, a start-upstart-up française, Lattice Medicalhas developed a unique solution: 3D printed breast prostheses.

Custom-made, these prostheses are destined to be absorbed!

3D breast prostheses are medical devices presenting themselves as a trellistrellis breast-shaped, made from a materialmaterial biodegradablebiodegradable and biocompatible. 3D printed from the patient’s morphological data, these prostheses are entirely personalized to adapt to the shape, size and symmetry of the breast. Once implanted under the skin, they serve as a support for the regeneration of breast tissue, because the mesh is designed to promote vascularization and innervation: thus, it is gradually resorbed, giving way to a natural breast.

Prosthesis of hope: 3D for breast reconstruction. © M6 Info

The promise of a better patient experience

3D breast prostheses limit the health risks resulting from conventional techniques, offer a more harmonious aesthetic result that adapts to the patient’s physiological changes, and are more functional, allowing breast sensitivity to be restored through regeneration. nerves, as well as preserving the possibility of breastfeeding thanks to respecting the structure of the breast and the milk ducts.

Currently in clinical trial phase under the name Mattisse (Mammary Tissue Engineering for Breast Reconstruction) in 50 volunteer patients, the prostheses could be marketed in 2026, subject to conclusive results.



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