Does drinking water lower blood pressure?

Does drinking water lower blood pressure?
Does drinking water lower blood pressure?

High blood pressure corresponds to an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. It depends on various factors such as the salt ingested in our diet, physical effort, coffee and tobacco consumption or the quantity and quality of water absorbed. We tell you everything.

There blood pressure is an indicator that must be scrupulously monitored to prevent cardiovascular illnesses. Indeed, when it is high, it can be the cause of serious problems such as strokes, heart disease or even kidney disease. A healthy lifestyle is enough to regulate your blood pressure and protect you from taking certain drugs. Here’s a simple trick, using water, that can help you reduce your heart pressure.

How can water affect blood pressure?

The role of water in the human body

It’s well known, water is life, because it plays a fundamental role in the functioning of the human body. In fact, a large part of cellsfabrics and organs of the human body is made up of water. It is also involved in digestion, transport of nutrients and oxygen, regulation of body temperature and in many physiological processes.

Water as a factor of hydration and balance

Water is the first factor ofhydration of the human body and helps maintain a good electrolyte balance. This balance is important for the function of nerves and muscles, because it promotes the transmission of electrical signals in thebody. Therefore, consuming water can help stabilize blood flow, thus helping to maintain a healthy normal blood pressure. Having good hydration allows the human body to properly regulate blood pressure by adjusting vasoconstriction and vasodilation, two important processes for regulation of blood pressure.

Hydration and blood pressure

Some research has proven that hydration has an effect on blood pressure variability. When it is not consumed in sufficient quantity, blood pressure increases and you are exposed to cardiovascular illnesses. On the other hand, an electrolyte imbalance can lead to high blood pressure. Having sufficient hydration therefore ensures the proper functioning of vasodilation, vasoconstriction and the maintenance of blood pressure at normal. This protects you from hypertension, a very common disease.

What is the best water to drink to fight high blood pressure?

Choose water rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium

The choice of water is important for people with hypertension. It should be noted that it is not really the water that varies the arterial pressurebut rather the minerals that it contains. Regular consumption of water rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium could help lower your blood pressure, according to a scientific study whose results were published in the journal BMC Public Health. According to this same study, drinking a liter ofmineral water every day could significantly lower blood pressure, knowing that the amount of water you should drink per day is between 1.5 and 2 liters.

Beware of carbonated water

Unlike mineral waters rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium, those rich in sodium are among the foods to avoid, because they contribute to increasing blood pressure. This is due to their high intake of sodium and this is very often the case with sparkling waters, For example. If you suffer from hypertension, choose mineral waters low in sodium, supports Santé magazine. In fact, some waters sold in stores carry, on their labels, the words Suitable for a low sodium diet.

What about tap water?

Tap water contains minerals in the same way as mineral waters. However, their quantity is not stable. Indeed, the composition of thetap water depends on the different soil properties of each region. You can contact your municipality if you want to know the mineral content, especially sodium, in your tap water. Whatever your choice, don’t forget to grab your glass of water and practice physical activity regular.



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