Breast cancer, we detect it to better cure it

Breast cancer, we detect it to better cure it
Breast cancer, we detect it to better cure it

HEALTH / Report within the CRCDC Sud PACA, which coordinates organized screening for three cancers: colorectal, cervical and breast cancer. For the latter, seven radiologists perform the second reading

– Southern Alps –

In this month of pink October, report with those who fight against cancer, and those who suffer from it. The CRCDC Sud PACA coordinates organized screening for three cancers: colorectal, cervical and breast cancer.

Breast cancer can be cured but people still die from it

Breast cancer is certainly one of the best cured cancers once detected, 96%. But we still die from it in , it is the leading cause of death from cancer in women. So in this month of pink October, the message of screening must be hammered home.

Every woman between the ages of 50 and 74 receives an invitation to have a mammogram every two years. Once the examination is done by a radiologist, if nothing is detected, the examination will still be reread by the CRCDC. “ We have expert radiologists who do a second reading in our premises. We show them mammograms labeled normal, they read them again”explains Doctor Claude Gauthier, coordinating doctor responsible for the CRCDC in the Southern Alps.

Seven radiologists perform the second reading in the Southern Alps, three in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, two in Briançon and two in

The second reading detects between 8 to 10% of cancers

A second reading which brings between 8 to 10% of cancers from these mammograms, although they are described as “normal”, “ a woman who has a screening mammogram has a 7 risk out of 1000 women screened of having cancer. Among these 7 women, there are 8% who will be found by second reading”.

Breast cancer screening is done every two years, and this deadline should not be postponed, “if women follow through with having their mammogram every two years, the risk of having a 2 cm tumor is low. If they increase the delay the risk becomes greater.”

“I don’t smoke, I play sports, I don’t drink. I was detected last April”, Edith

A figure: 40% of cancers are due to our behavior, tobacco, alcohol, tanning, food or a sedentary lifestyle. Edith has a perfect lifestyle. However, last April, she was diagnosed with cancer. “ I don’t smoke, I play sports, I don’t drink. I was lucky thanks to the screening to be detected and to have been able to enter a care pathway quickly. You should not be afraid to do these mammograms, on the contrary. You have to go there. If we stray from this path, we can quickly be overtaken by a health problem. ».

If properly detected, treatments for breast cancer are less burdensome and morbidity is much lower.



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