Alès: through the art of celebration, making science shine and awakening curiosity

Alès: through the art of celebration, making science shine and awakening curiosity
Alès: through the art of celebration, making science shine and awakening curiosity

In Rochebelle, the 9th science festival, from October 9 to 13, brilliantly combines knowledge and entertainment.

“I tell you the joy of finding myself with 45 volunteers who devote a good part of their time to designing and producing scientific exhibitions whose primary goal is to highlight science and discover the important meaning of curiosity. Expand curiosity, a love of science is essential and I include culture since the first Eurek’Alès exhibition concerned writing. This allows me to insist on the fact that among young people, to fully understand and. to be able to love, you have to know how to read and even speak several languages ​​to promote our region, our country! His voice is soft, calm, while the message from Jean-Claude Duriez, president of the Eurek’Alès association, is of rare density.
Seated at the end of the table during the press conference opened by the city’s mayor Max Roustan, and devoted to the rich program of the Science Festival, the retired engineer from the school of mines accurately summarized the intention of the many collaborators of this ninth edition: the Alésien archaeological research group (GARA), the Mines-Télécom institute (IMT), the Étoile cévenole and the cévenole society of Archeology and prehistory. Located at the cultural and scientific center of Rochebelle, the partners will make sure to honor a quote from Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790): “You tell me, I forget. You teach me, I remember, You involve me, I learn “ with which Christophe Rivenq, president of Alès agglomeration, concludes the conference. And leave it to the various actors to detail their intervention.

1 Conferences
October 12 is built around a cycle of conferences in the auditorium. Members of the Alesian archaeological research group offer a slideshow with commentary on the subject of the transformation, over four centuries, of the Baume flour mill (Cendras) in order to supply water to the locomotives. The Cévennes society of archeology and prehistory invites the karstologist Laurent Bruxelles, bronze medalist from the CNRS in 2015, to speak on the theme of the “Cradle of humanity in the southern caves”. IMT teacher-researcher Dominique Lafon-Pham will present the ways of life and thought of our Neolithic ancestor while Jean-Michel Faidit, lecturer in astronomy, at the invitation of the Cévennes star, will speak on water in the universe…

2 Exhibitions
Archéo, an exhibition to dig into, Chemistry in all its forms, Water in the universe, Game and mathematics beyond play. Interactive, these four meetings, from Saturday 12 to Sunday 13, offer the opportunity to learn through fun.

3 Workshops
Stop motion: water in all its states, the science of bubbles, the powers of water or the observation of the Tardigrade of water, H2O, the chemical formula of the water molecule, and its preciousness in fact a major element of this science festival.

4 Entertainment
Planetarium sessions on the theme of oases in space, the secrets of archeology in the Alès region, robotics demonstrations, a “water drop” by the CPIE du , a “book release” by Voyages culturelle , a circus show with the Salto school, tales and legends with Arthure or even an active fresco by the Alès agglo youth entertainment service, science is also a party!

The science festival, from October 9 to 13, at the cultural and scientific center of Rochebelle, 155 Fb de Rochebelle in Alès. Free. Program on 04 66 56 42 30.


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