do not use membranes derived from polyacrylonitrile

do not use membranes derived from polyacrylonitrile
do not use membranes derived from polyacrylonitrile

LIntensive care anesthetists have been instructed not to use membranes derived from polyacrylonitrile in intensive care patients undergoing hemofiltration and receiving caspofungin treatment. [1] (cf. Boxed).

The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) and Sfar (French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation) recommend:

  • to use another extra-renal purification membrane in patients in intensive care undergoing hemofiltration and receiving treatment with caspofungin,
  • or consider another antifungal medication if the yeast is sensitive to it, according to current recommendations [2].
Sidebar – About caspofungin

Caspofungin is a semi-synthetic lipopeptide (echinocandin).

This injectable antifungal is indicated in the treatment of invasive candidiasis and invasive aspergillosis.

Ineffectiveness of caspofungin and serious consequences

According to available data, the polyacrylonitrile filter reduces the effectiveness of caspofungin, resulting in a risk of worsening of the fungal infection:

  • sequestration of caspofungin by the polyacrylonitrile filter: the preliminary results of an experimental study published in the International Journal of antimicrobial agents [3] indeed suggest significant sequestration of echinocandins (including caspofungin) in a polyacrylonitrile filter. According to this same study, increasing the dose of antifungal does not reduce this phenomenon of sequestration in the filter;
  • pharmacovigilance reports: ANSM reports several reports of suspected ineffectiveness of caspofungin used in these conditions for a candida infection, including 4 deaths.


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