If you eat more than three fruits a day, be careful, there can be a very upsetting effect

Eating fruit is certainly recommended, but you must limit yourself to a certain quantity and at specific times of the day.

“Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day” is well-known advice. We may even tend to eat more, especially when it comes to fruit. Except that in reality, the recommendations are to eat more vegetables than fruits. Consuming too much fruit is not necessarily good for your health. According to the nutritionist, Raphaël Gruman, withTo the Feminineyou should limit yourself to around “150g of fruit per serving, around three times a day”. The specialist then advises not to exceed 500 grams per day.

The danger comes from their sweet nature. “An excess of fruit is equivalent to an excess of sugar,” summarizes the nutritionist. The WHO also suggests consuming no more than 50g of sugar per day. In addition to weight gain, there are risks of developing health problems such as diabetes. The nutritionist adds that, due to their composition, fruits consumed in large quantities can cause diarrhea.

Certain fruits would also be more favorable to excessive consumption. He is thinking in particular of cherries, which we eat in quantity without necessarily realizing it even though they are one of the sweetest fruits. It is therefore preferable to serve a defined quantity in small bowls rather than leaving a large salad bowl filled on the table. It would be less risky to eat a quantity of melon or watermelon which are rich in water.

Lamia Zinaï, dietician and nutritionist, with The Dispatchalso maintains that you should “not more than two to three fruits” per day. She invites us to favor orange and kiwi in particular but above all to choose seasonal fruits.

According to her, the best time to consume fruit is during meals to avoid a spike in blood sugar. Combined with other foods, the passage of sugar into the blood will be more limited. It is therefore preferable to have one fruit per meal and to avoid eating fruit such as melon as a starter then cherries for dessert, as there would be a risk of quickly exceeding the recommended quantities.



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