what are the French military forces deployed in Lebanon?

As military escalation continues between Israel and Hezbollah, with direct involvement from Iran, the risk of all-out war has never been higher. Under these conditions, the French army has strengthened its presence in the region, ready to deploy to repatriate our nationals or to intervene under the aegis of the UN.

An important presence. Nearly 10,000 French soldiers are currently engaged in “pre-positioned” forces abroad. Among them, around 700 soldiers are deployed in Lebanon, as part of Operation “Daman”, under the aegis of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Faced with the military escalation between Israel and Hezbollah, and to ensure the security of more than 20,000 French nationals in Lebanon, a military ship was sent there. It can both serve as an advanced base but also for evacuation missions.

Present since 1978 in Lebanon to restore peace after the invasion of the country by Israel, is one of the main contributing countries to UNIFIL. The 700 deployed soldiers participate in the protection of our nationals and the defense of our interests, contribute to the prevention and management of crises and are ready to intervene if necessary, or to support various external operations ( OPEX). They are part of the rapid reaction force on site. They can intervene urgently in the event of a clash between Israel and Lebanon, along the “Blue line”, the demarcation between the two countries.

Created with the aim of ensuring security and peace in the country, as well as to help the Lebanese government reestablish its authority, this French force saw its missions expand after the Israeli-Lebanese conflict of 2006. UNIFIL is now in charge of monitoring the airspace of the area of ​​operation, supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) in southern Lebanon and securing, if necessary, the entire area of ​​operation. The UN Security Council extended the mandate of the Peacekeeping Force in Lebanon by one year, until August 31, 2025.

an amphibious helicopter carrier deployed

In addition to these 700 soldiers, the General Staff of the Armed Forces announced that they had deployed, on Monday September 30, a military ship off the coast of the country as a “precaution”, for a possible evacuation of French nationals. This boat, an amphibious helicopter carrier (PHA) nearly 200 meters long, equipped with a hospital that can accommodate up to 700 civilians, should take “five to six days” to reach the area in the eastern Mediterranean from the port from .

These ships are capable of carrying out “crisis management operations, transport or even medical evacuation and medical support by amphibious and airmobile means, being able to integrate on board, depending on the mission, elements of forces (joint – interallied) and health (military – civilian)”, specifies the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Such ships have already served in the same country in 2006 for Operation Baliste, already in a context of conflict between Israel and Lebanon. France has three, the Tonnerre, the Dixmude and the Mistral, based in Toulon (). The General Staff of the Armed Forces did not specify the name of the ship deployed there. If the situation requires it, the boat can also serve as a forward command post for the French army.

French soldiers in the region

Outside of Lebanon, several French contingents have been deployed in recent years in the region. In the event of an emergency, these forces could intervene quickly in Lebanon for evacuation missions or for external operations. In 2008, an intergovernmental agreement establishing the creation of a permanent French military establishment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was signed.

Made up of nearly 650 soldiers, it is the fifth permanent military base abroad outside of the four located in Africa. Its role consists of supporting French military assets deployed in the Arab-Persian Gulf and the northern Indian Ocean. It also allows French soldiers to be trained for combat actions in desert areas and urban areas.

In 2014, some 600 soldiers as well as 10 bursts were mobilized as part of operation “Chammal”, the French component of the international operation “Inherent resolve”, which brings together 80 countries engaged in the fight against Daesh, in Iraq and in Syria. At the same time, this force carries out support, advice and training activities for the international coalition to enable the Iraqi political and military authorities to ensure the security of their country alone.

In the seas and in the air

In addition to a land military presence, France also has a naval and air force with numerous units crisscrossing the globe, ready to intervene in support of the forces present in conflicts or operations.

At sea, aircraft carriers including the Charles de Gaulle, as well as multiple frigates travel the oceans around the world, to support all French troops. Nearly 3,000 sailors are currently deployed in the Mediterranean.

In the air, the French air forces also participate in numerous support missions for external operations undertaken by France, and could, if necessary, intervene in the region.



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