young people are far too sedentary

young people are far too sedentary
young people are far too sedentary

At work, at the table, in transport, and even for our leisure time (most of the time spent on screens): we sit too often, warns the French Federation of Cardiology (FFC), which has published the results of its Observatory on the physical activities of the French. “Alarming results”, she believes.

5.7 hours per day sitting

Thus, according to its figures, French people spend on average 5.7 hours per day sitting, and this time even reaches 7.1 hours for young adults aged 18 to 24. At the same time, 41% of French people practice insufficient physical or sporting activity, that is to say less than two hours per week. And what’s more, these habits seem difficult to change, because 84% of people who do not practice regular physical or sporting activity do not intend to do so in the near future. Thus, the wave of post-Olympic registrations in amateur clubs, for example swimming under the influence of Léon Marchand, or table tennis after the success of the Lebrun brothers, could only be temporary, fears the FFC…

What the Federation notes is that “sedentary lifestyle is progressing quickly, especially among young people, and they have difficulty understanding the warning cries that we are issuing,” worries Professor Paul Menu, administrator of the French Cardiology Federation.

Overweight, diabetes, heart disease…

However, a sedentary lifestyle has real harmful effects on health, insists the FFC. And you should know that it starts from the moment you spend more than two hours in a row sitting or lying down, outside of sleeping periods, recalls the Federation. Concretely, when you don’t move enough, the body doesn’t burn enough calories and doesn’t eliminate toxins as it should. This can lead to weight gain, an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Furthermore, being sedentary has an impact on mental health and the ability to think well. Without effort, the brain receives less oxygen, eliminates toxins less, stress and anxiety are more present, memory decreases. While 66% of those questioned said that sports practice was not mentioned in consultation, Dr. François Paillard, cardiologist, recognizes: “We have a crucial role to play by raising awareness among our patients. »

Get up at least once every two hours

In the meantime, the French Federation of Cardiology gives five tips to help each of us be less sedentary: establish a time for standing activity, for at least five minutes, every two hours (make a phone call while standing, stretch -you to relax the muscles…); practice a physical activity that gives you pleasure, this will be the most effective way to maintain it over time; start from a young age, habits tend to last; diversify activities to increase their positive effects on health; and set realistic and progressive goals.



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