Guillaume Gellé, president of Universités

Guillaume Gellé, president of Universités
Guillaume Gellé, president of France Universités

This Monday, September 30, Nathan Hubert, co-founder of Nobsolete, Damien Roche, president of Lifebloom, Jean-François Huchet, president of INALCO and professor of economics on China and Asia, Agnès Diallo, general director of IN Group, Guillaume Gellé, president of Universités, Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of CPME Ile-de-France and of the Etienne Marcel Think Tank, and Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC, were guests on the show Good Morning Business on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of CPME Paris Ile-de-France and of the Etienne Marcel Think Tank, and Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC, were David Delos’ guests in Le Duel de l’Eco on the show Good Morning Business, this Monday, September 30. They returned to the savings and budget cuts which should be announced by Michel Barnier this Tuesday during his general policy speech on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Monday, September 30, in his column, Raphaël Legendre returned to the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, who is bringing his government together in a seminar to ask his ministers to work in particular on the five pillars of the general policy declaration. This column can be seen or listened to from Monday to Friday in Good Morning Business, presented by David Delos on BFM Business.

This Monday, September 30, Jean-François Huchet, president of INALCO and professor of economics on China and Asia, was the guest of Caroline Loyer in The world that moves – L’Interview, from the show Good Morning Business, presented by David Delos. They returned to the state of the Asian market after the announcement of a series of measures taken by Beijing to revive the Chinese economy. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Agnès Diallo, general manager of IN Groupe, was the guest of David Delos on Good Morning Business, this Monday, September 30. They returned to the strategic interest of the Idemia Smart Identity operation launched by IN Groupe, an acquisition project which will create the world leader in identity while protecting the personal data of each employee, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Monday, September 30, forecasts of the tax situation in 2025 with the increase in the budget deficit, in particular the causes of a possible tax shock on businesses as well as individuals were addressed by Jean-Marc Daniel and Nicolas Doze in their column , in the show Good Morning Business, presented by David Delos, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Damien Roche, president of Lifebloom, was the guest of David Delos on French Tech, this Monday, September 30. He spoke about Oxilio, the solution developed by Lifebloom to get patients back on their feet, on Good Morning Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Monday, September 30, the tax war within the majority, even though the new Prime Minister must deliver his general policy speech tomorrow, was addressed by Raphaël Legendre in his editorial, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by David Delos, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Monday, September 30, the current situation in Lebanon and Iran’s position in this crisis were addressed by Caroline Loyer in her column, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by David Delos, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.



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