Rain, cold… Towards a very autumnal start to the week again in

Rain, cold… Towards a very autumnal start to the week again in
Rain, cold… Towards a very autumnal start to the week again in France

This Monday, September 30, 2024, from to Hauts-de-, but also in Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine, the sky is overcast from the morning and the rains are frequent, sometimes marked near the Channel and the border Belgian.

Wind and cool temperatures

For these last days of September, “ the northwest flow influences temperatures and brings freshness”according to Météo France forecasts.

From and the Pays de to Centre-Val-de-Loire and Burgundy Franche-Comté, there too many clouds clutter the sky, they are accompanied by temporary showers until the end of the afternoon. noon.

The southwest wind still blows quite strongly, it reaches 60 to 80 km/h near the Channel, sometimes 90 km/h on the coasts. It will be particularly present in the three departments of the tip of Brittany (Morbihan, Finistère, Côtes-d’Armor), but also Manche, and Pas-de-. Inland in the northern half and in the Massif Central, gusts reach 50 to 60 km/h, locally 70 km/h.

Elsewhere, from Aquitaine to Auvergne as well as in the Alps, the morning also took place under very cloudy skies. The rains are initially frequent on the relief, and even lasting and sometimes marked in the Alps, before a lull around midday.

In the afternoon, clearings gradually develop. On the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean rim, the day is calmer and sunny, but near the Gulf of Lion, maritime inlets delay the arrival of the sun in the morning.

New disturbances and cold

During the night from Monday to Tuesday, the parade of disturbances will resume and intensify, particularly until Wednesday.

One of them, which could cause heavy rainfall, is expected on Tuesday in the north-western quarter of the country, starting with Normandy and Brittany. “A rainy disturbance is circulating from the Atlantic coast to the Alps from Tuesday to Wednesday afternoon. It brings accumulations of precipitation that are not dangerous in nature,” Météo France warns in its latest bulletin of dangerous phenomena. “These accumulations occur on saturated soils, it is therefore necessary to monitor the evolution of the situation. »

As shown in the image below, which represents the temperature anomalies to be expected for this week of September 30 according to the European model, this deterioration of conditions will be accompanied by temperatures that are still cool for the season.

Temperature anomalies expected in Europe during the week of September 30. Areas in blue will experience temperatures below normal. | ECMWF
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Temperature anomalies expected in Europe during the week of September 30. Areas in blue will experience temperatures below normal. | ECMWF

Until next Sunday, temperatures will drop and become below normal, until reaching a “minimum” of coolness on the last day of the week, with an estimate of around 3 degrees below seasonal temperatures.



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