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Unexpected potential of antidepressants for depressed people, study finds.

Depression happens to everyone. But still, for some of us, much more than for others. These moments of
depression are often marked by deep emotional fatigue. For some,
represent a solution to regain a semblance of balance.

A recent study presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology conference reveals some unexpected aspects of these drugs. Which ones exactly?

The beneficial effects of certain antidepressants on the brains of depressed people

This work was presented for the first time at the ECNP conference in Milan, after its publication in the journal Biological Psychiatry. What is it really about? Researchers scanned the brains of 90 depressed patients to measure the level of serotonin receptorsin particular the 5HT4 receptor.

Patients received daily doses of escitalopram over a period of eight weeks. At the end of this period, results revealed an approximately 9% reduction in 5HT4 receptor levels, associated with significant improvements in mood and cognitive abilities.

Note that escitalopram is a medication that belongs to the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants. SSRIs, for their part, are a drug class of psychotropic drugs which operate in the brain, in particular by increasing serotonin levels.

Improved cognitive abilities

Tests performed after treatment showed that patients whose 5HT4 receptor levels decreased the least had performances cognitives
superior, particularly in verbal memory.

Vibeke Dam, one of the researchers, rightly declared: “
SSRI medications appear to contribute to improved cognitive ability and help improve mood “. This highlights the importance of the 5HT4 receptor in these processes.

What are the implications for the treatment of depression?

These results open the way to new strategies for treating depression. Vibe Froekjaer, co-researcher, mentioned that cognitive disorders are often overlooked, but need to be treated. This, even if the depressive symptoms persist. Such resolutions could help improve the quality of life of people suffering from depression.

What can we expect in the future from this study?

The next step in research will be to administer drugs that specifically target the 5HT4 receptor to examine their effects on cognitive abilities. In addition, medications already used for irritable bowel syndrome, which bind to this receptor, could also be considered to combat depression.



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