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No symptoms, fear of diagnosis… when the brakes on breast cancer screening also slow down healing in Cantal

Less irradiating, more sensitive to compression, the new mammograph at the Henri-Mondor hospital center arrives at just the right time to launch Pink October.

It cost €310,000 and produced images at seven million pixels. The new mammograph at the Henri-Mondor hospital center, which receives between 1,600 and 1,800 women each year to carry out examinations, strengthens the healthcare offering, right at the time of Pink October.

“The technology remains the same as the old mammograph which dated from 2011,” explains Dr Antoine Mons, head of department. The main advances are based on better ergonomics (the machine tilts 90 degrees, editor’s note), which facilitates, for example, the care of people with disabilities and the performance of macrobiopsies. »

“My life with breast cancer”: conversation with Céline, a patient still in care

Samples will be possible lying down, where a seated position was previously required. “It will be more comfortable for the patient and the doctor. » Concretely, “the sensor being more recent, the machine is less irradiating, and the compression is less unpleasant”, specifies Dr Marc Salavert, senior healthcare executive and personnel competent in radiation protection. On a medical level, “a third doctor will be able to participate in breast cancer screening from October,” assures Dr. Antoine Mons. The equipment is part of a context of imaging renovation since the ultrasound machine has also been renewed, in addition to the examination rooms. Above all, it comes at the right time to launch the organized campaign, Pink October, intended to encourage women aged 50 to 74 to get tested.

Early detection increases the chances of recovery

“The earlier breast cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat and the higher the chances of recovery. Discovered late, it on the other hand feeds the death statistics,” indicated Michèle Lablanquie, president of the League against cancer in Cantal.

From the age of 25, it is a matter of self-palpate, identifying hollows, lumps in the breasts, lymph nodes under the arm, changes in size, discharge, bleeding… and consult if there is the slightest concern.

The League Against Cancer, which at the national level devotes 4 million euros to research against breast cancer out of its 40 million budget, finances, at the local level, 40% of its budget (€290,000 per year) , looking. “It’s evolving in a very interesting way. The latest discoveries focus on targeted therapies and advances that rely on RNA as an innovative tool. »8f5a080508.jpg
In Cantal, as elsewhere, numerous obstacles have been identified to explain why fewer than one in two women are screened. “While seven women out of 1,000 women screened discover their cancer on this occasion, women over 50 explain that they do not get screened because they do not have symptoms (34%). Others fear being in pain (20%) and 16% are afraid they will be diagnosed with cancer. » Note that there are even fewer women in northern Cantal who are screened.

Anna Modolo

How to get tested? Free for women aged 50 to 74, mammography is possible by simple appointment, to be made by email ([email protected]) or by telephone at or Immediate result, report within the day.



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