Her 15-year-old son dies because of a trend, she warns parents about the ravages of social networks

Her 15-year-old son dies because of a trend, she warns parents about the ravages of social networks
Her 15-year-old son dies because of a trend, she warns parents about the ravages of social networks

A new tragedy caused by social networks has struck a family from the United States. The mother of the child, devastated, now wants to warn parents about the dangers of trends that can be found on social networks.

Mason’s mother experienced an immense trauma. While her 15-year-old son wanted to participate in a trend on TikTok, the latter died. Despite the efforts put in place by the boy’s father who is a firefighter, Mason could not be brought back to life.

It has become common to hear about the ravages of social media on young adults. There are trends that can be seen especially on Tiktok that can have serious consequences, or worse, lead to the death of its participants. This is the case of the trend in which Mason participated, and which cost him his life.

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Social media trend costs teenager his life

While young Mason was very active on social media and constantly showed his parents Tiktok trends, his mother had not failed to warn her child about the dangers of social media. But, despite the warning she gave Mason, he still gave in to pressure from social media by participating in a trend that caused his death.

It was during their mourning that Mason’s parents learned the cause of their third and last child’s death. In fact, the young boy died while participating in a viral social media trend called: “Strangulation Challenge”. This is a very dangerous trend that is growing teenagers to temporarily strangle themselves until they lose consciousness. Subsequently, the young participants publish the video on social networks in order to collect many likes and comments. The goal is to provoke many reactions in order to attract attention on social networks. and especially on Tiktok.

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The dangers of social networks on teenagers

Mason’s mother decided to get involved in order to warn parents about the dangers of social networks on young adults. Indeed, according to her, it is important to remain cautious and to constantly monitor teenagers’ phones, especially if they are on social networks. The mother did not hesitate to warn that “What happened to Mason and our family can happen to anyone – and has happened to others”Despite constant warnings from Mason’s mother, as well as parental controls, this mother was unable to avoid the tragedy that struck him.

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This tragic event made Mason’s mother realize that their family was not an isolated case. Indeed, after the case became public, Mason’s mother was confronted with many chilling testimonies: parents who have experienced the same trauma, or parents asking the mother for advice on how to prevent this type of tragedy. A series of testimonies that pushed Mason’s mother to get involved for adolescent mental health in the United States, but also to combat the scourge of the dangers of social networks on young adults.

News Editor

A graduate of the School of Journalism, I am 26 years old and originally from the South of . Passionate about reading and sports, I am also a …



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