This city distributes free mosquito traps, how can you get yours?

This city distributes free mosquito traps, how can you get yours?
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They are free and “on simple request”.

Present almost everywhere in , tiger mosquitoes represent a real scourge, which is difficult to get rid of. “We no longer live because of mosquitoes“, cried some French people in despair last summer, a year strongly marked by the increased circulation of these insects. Global warming obliges, at the start of spring, the tiger mosquito is already back and starting to invade parks and gardens. Problem , it is capable of transmitting infectious diseases such as dengue, Zika or chikungunya To deal with this invasion, the municipal council of this city has decided to distribute 500 nest traps to residents who request them on the site. town hall website These traps target female mosquitoes (only the female bites and feeds on blood) which want to lay eggs, attracted into the container by the water present at the bottom. They are then captured and cannot escape from the trap. which is covered with plates coated with glue.

This distribution will be carried out… in . However, not all Toulouse residents will be able to benefit from it: only the inhabitants of two neighborhoods who live “houses or on the ground floor. Not beyond the first floor because the mosquito does not fly high.” recalls Françoise Ampoulange, delegated municipal councilor, whose comments were relayed by La Dépêche. To obtain your nesting trap, you must respect these 2 conditions:

► Live in one of the two sectors where distribution is organized. Or district 8: Minimes, Barrière de , Ponts-Jumeaux, La Vache, Raisin, Fondeyre. Or district 9: Trois Cocus, Borderouge, -Daurade, Paléficat, Grand Selve.

► Register on the town hall website by downloading a file, including proof of address less than 3 months old.

Requests will be processed gradually until stocks last. This operation costs the city around 15,000 euros and is currently only an experiment. An assessment will be carried out at the end of the season to see whether or not the city will be able to generalize the operation next year. At the same time, the city has installed around twenty anti-mosquito terminals in nurseries and schools, more expensive devices which diffuse CO2 specifically targeting these species. In addition, 80 water points are monitored. Other cities are also anticipating the massive proliferation of tiger mosquitoes. Châlons-sur-Sâone offers 30% assistance to individuals who want to buy a tiger mosquito trap. For information, the prices of these nesting traps vary from around fifty euros to more than 300 euros for the most efficient.

After the bite, female mosquitoes look for places of stagnant water in their environment to lay their eggs. Cups, saucers, planters, vases and even gutters are all containers which, once full of water, are great places for laying eggs. This is why prevention remains essential to limit their proliferation: eliminate places where water can stagnate (green waste, used tires, bulky items, etc.), empty containers containing water (watering cans, saucers, etc.), change the water plants and flowers every week, check the gutters for proper drainage, cover water tanks (cans, cisterns, ponds, etc.) and swimming pools that are no longer in use.



NEXT A “pediatric pathologies and pesticides” consultation open at the Amiens University Hospital