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The Asian Tour launches its season this week in the Philippines. Quite rare, three French people will compete on this circuit this year: Julien Sale, Gary Stal and Joël Stalter.
It is more than 10,000 kilometers from France that Julien Sale et Gary Stall will, from Thursday, play their first tournament of the 2025 season. The two named, unlike Joel Stalterdecided to participate in the Smart Infinity Philippine Openinaugural event on theAsian Tour. A first which will take place on the Manila Southwoods G & CC in the Philippine capital, “ a beautiful course where you have to hit drives everywhere ” according to Gary Stall.
In fact, nothing predestined the three Tricolores to commit in 2025 to theAsian Tourbut a difficult season on the Challenge Tour and failed cards in Europe pushed them to try their luck in the east.
« I had a good start to the season, I was quite satisfied with the first tournaments but it deteriorated quite quickly and I lost my confidence, it was complicated, remembers the winner of theAbu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship ten years ago almost to the day. When I missed the PQ2 of the DP World Tour, I registered directly for the Asian Tour cards, that's all I had and since I live in Dubai, it's not that far. I know that at most I have seven hours of flight time. It's happening. »
« Last season was complicated even if overall, I don't feel like I played badly, continues on his side Julien Sale. Having managed to obtain this card allowed me to finish 2024 on a good note, it transformed the year from average to decent. »
I was a little tired of knowing all the courses, all the tournaments on the Challenge Tour, I no longer had good vibes
Gary Stall
In mid-December, the three Blues managed to obtain one of the 35 tickets put into play during cards played in Thailand. A nice rebound for them since they found themselves without a real game category before obtaining their place for theAsian Tour.
« I'm going to play great tournamentsrejoices Gary Stall. I was a little tired of knowing all the courses, all the tournaments on the Challenge Tour, I no longer had good vibes. It's a renewal for me, it's completely different. I don't know the routes, I'm very happy. »
The more than provisional calendar has already reached around ten countries, from China to Morocco, including New Zealand and Indonesia.
-« Traveling doesn't bother me at all. Since I was little, I have traveled a lot and I love it, especially since I don't know Asia, projects Julien Sale. I love Asian food too. And on the one hand it will remind me of home, Reunion, because it will be hot and humid all year round, a bit like on my island. I'm excited at the idea of discovering these places and finally finding conditions that I know well. »
The one who competed in the Amateur World Championships under the tricolor banner in 2023 will still remain based in France. “ But it's possible that between tournaments, if there is only one or even two weeks of break, I might go to Thailand or Dubai to train before leaving again. » he tempers.
An unknown level
Beyond the routes and the countries, the French are also heading into the unknown of the real level ofAsian Tour. If it is possible to imagine the high level of International Seriesthe best-resourced tournaments where many players from LIFE Golf come to try to score world points, regular tournaments are more difficult to locate.
« It is certain that in the International Series, the fields will be raised because there will be winners of Majors who are now playing on the LIVimagines the Reunionese. It'll be fun to compete against them. But about regular tournaments, I don't really know, I'll find out while playing. »
« Frankly, I have no idea of the level, I think the average level is below the DP World Tour, not far from that of the Challenge Tour », attempts to measure Gary Stall.
The top 65 to keep my card next year
Julien Sale
With the unknown courses but also the level of the opponents, it is therefore difficult for the French to set clear objectives and position themselves in this Asian Tour 2025. « The objective will already be to make the top 65 to keep the card next year », Announces the youngest of the three French people all the same.
Gary Stall does not want to put pressure on results but more on the way of working. The Lyonnais should also quickly collaborate with the Belgian coach Jerome Theunisalso based in the Emirates.
« I don't think I'm going to set results goals, more work goals. As we know, it doesn’t often work to say to yourself: “ I will make top 5 or top 10 “. I don't want to go back to something like that at all. I'm in discovery, I'm going to play and I'm going to do the best I can. »
Gary Stall et Julien Sale will set off this Thursday for their first round of Smart Infinity Philippine Open respectively at 4:35 a.m. and 5:45 a.m. French time (all departures here). Far in the entry list forInternational Series India which will be played next week, they will have to sign a top 5 in the Philippines to continue in India. In this event where there will be notably Bryson Dechambeau et Joaquin Niemann, Joel Stalter is its third reserve.