“The dialogue between and Germany has never been as fragile as today,” said President LR of the French delegation to the European Parliament.

“The dialogue between and Germany has never been as fragile as today,” said President LR of the French delegation to the European Parliament.
“The dialogue between France and Germany has never been as fragile as today,” said President LR of the French delegation to the European Parliament.

Every evening at 8:30 p.m., Pierre de Vilno receives a guest who makes political news. This evening, he receives the LR president of the French delegation to the European Parliament and vice-president of the European People's Party, François-Xavier Bellamy, the opportunity to return to the state of the Franco-German couple, the economic decline in which continues to worsen or the contrast between the USA and Europe.

Guest :

François-Xavier BellamyLR president of the French delegation to the European Parliament and vice-president of the European People's Party



Catherine Nayeditorialist and great voice of Europe 1

Olivier Dartigollespolitical columnist




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