Death of Emile: “The criminal hypothesis is still relevant”, affirms the public prosecutor

Death of Emile: “The criminal hypothesis is still relevant”, affirms the public prosecutor

the essential
Five months after the discovery of little Emile’s body in Haut-Vernet in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, the investigation continues. The detailed analysis of the bones and clothing is complete. The public prosecutor states that “the criminal hypothesis is still relevant”.

What if little Emile’s death was not accidental? On March 30, after months of anguish for his family, a hiker found the child’s body in Haut-Vernet in the Alpes de Haute-Provence, 1.7 km from the place of disappearance in early July 2023.

The public prosecutor of Aix-en-Provence states that “the criminal hypothesis is still current. “The investigation is still ongoing, as are the genetic tests. The investigating judges have furthered the technical analyses,” Jean-Luc Blachon told BFMTV.

Also read:
Disappearance of Emile: “I knew it was him”… the hiker who found the little boy’s skull gives her version of the facts

Bone analysis has just been completed

Since the discovery of Emile’s skull and bones on a path, the National Gendarmerie Criminal Research Institute (IRCGN) has been responsible for the analyses. New complementary genetic expertise was entrusted last June to the Bordeaux forensic hematology laboratory. It has just been completed.

This private laboratory, headed by “the pope of DNA” Professor Christian Doutremepuich, is currently focusing on the analysis of the clothes worn by Emile when his body was found. The conclusions should be submitted to the investigating judges at the end of September, assures BFMTV.

This meticulous analysis work will be used to determine whether or not there was DNA on Emile’s bones. If this were the case, the criminal theory would be proven in this case. Scientists could also be able to say whether the bones have been moved since the child’s death.

Animal intervention not ruled out

At the same time, the possibility of animal intervention has not been definitively ruled out. BFMTV claims that the courts installed cameras in the area where Emile had disappeared at the end of June to record the activity and changes in the flora and fauna.

Investigators have recently conducted new interviews without taking any suspects into custody. Between 8 and 10 police officers are still working full time on the Emile case.


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