“He took me for a pretentious actress!” Annelise Hesme’s funny anecdote about Loup-Denis Elion

“He took me for a pretentious actress!” Annelise Hesme’s funny anecdote about Loup-Denis Elion

Today at 16:39 – by Thomas Fourcroy

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On Thursday, September 12 at 9:05 p.m., France 3 broadcasts Murders in LilleA thriller carried by a duo marked by a strange first meeting… in 2005!

The new school year has already started, but despite everything, the reruns continue to be in full swing. This is the case tonight on France 3 with the unitary Murders in Lille. Directed in 2019 by Laurence Katrian, this part of the famous crime series plays with the usual codes, with rather tortured characters. Some great roles, played by pretty names. In no particular order, we come across Elsa Lunghini, Eva Darlan, but also Annelise Hesme and Loup-Denis Elion. Two actors well-known to fans of television fiction, who had crossed paths years ago at a ceremony in Cannes…

Murders in Lille, among the artists of the north

Attention, art and architecture will be there Murders in Lille… Here, everything will begin with an exhibition about Victor Maurin. Problem, this famous local sculpture will die before the public arrives for the opening, at the Roubaix swimming pool. Captain William Henry, a local on the stage and Commander Caroline Flament, dispatched from the capital, will have to take charge of the case. A file that will have a few surprises in store for them. Indeed, the Parisian policewoman will meet again a childhood friend, Astrid d’Armentières, scenographer and mother of Oscar. A young man doing an internship with Victor Maurin and whose girlfriend was one of the victim’s models.

Annelise Hesme and Loup-Denis Elion: a somewhat special first meeting

Always there to highlight the territories of France and Navarre, the collection Murders in… also revolves around explosive acting duos. Often complementary, these duos allow certain actors to find each other, like Annelise Hesme and Loup-Denis Elion! Two professionals whose first meeting was a bit special, as Clotilde Hesme’s sister mentioned in the columns of TV 7 Days : “I had met him at the ‘Cannes Talents’ at ADAMI in 2005. But at the time, I didn’t want to sleep with the ‘talents’. I was with friends in another hotel. He had taken me for a UFO and a pretentious girl. However, I am someone super cool, but my shyness probably plays tricks on me. So I really discovered Loup-Denis on this shoot…”


PREV “She cracked under the pressure,” her lawyer explains.
NEXT “Murders in Lille” tonight on France 3 with Annelise Hesme, Loup-Denis Elion and Elsa Lunghini