“Murders in Lille” tonight on France 3 with Annelise Hesme, Loup-Denis Elion and Elsa Lunghini

“Murders in Lille” tonight on France 3 with Annelise Hesme, Loup-Denis Elion and Elsa Lunghini

Murders in Lille (2018) by Laurence Katrian is a TV film from the collection Murders in… with Annelise Hesme, Loup-Denis Elion, Elsa Lunghini and Eva Darlan in the cast. The opinion and film review of Bulles de Culture on this unitary fiction rebroadcast on France 3 on Thursday September 12.

Synopsis :

Au musée The Roubaix Swimming Poolthe exhibition dedicated to the famous Lille sculptor Victor Maurin (Christian Van Tomme) is set up. But, a few hours before the museum opens to the public, the Ermengaert mold, exhibited in the exhibition room, is bleeding… Inside, we discover the sculptor’s corpse.

The young deputy prosecutor (Milena Sansonetti), whose first case this is, brings Commander Caroline Flament from Paris (Annelise Hesme) to conduct the investigation. Captain William Henry (Loup-Denis Elion), stationed in Lille, takes offense, and their relations promise to be stormy…

It is also an opportunity for Caroline to return to the town where she grew up and to meet up with her childhood friend Astrid d’Armentières (Elsa Longhini), who is none other than the sculptor’s scenographer.

Murders in Lille : a nice cast and some surprises on the program

Elsa Lunghini, Loup-Denis Elion and Annelise Hesme in the TV film “Meutres à Lille” © Bernard BARBEREAU / FTV

As the name of this fiction indicates, the filming of Murders in Lille took place in the Hauts-de-France region, in the towns of Lille and of Roubaix. The TV movie opens with the magnificent La Piscine Museum in Roubaix where the corpse of a sculptor is “delivered”, whose murder recalls an old legend linked to the history of Lille, that of Lyderic and Phineastwo giants who founded the city in the 7th century.

On the distribution side, the actress Annelise Hesme camp, in this intrigue of the collection Murders in…., a police commander who is not happy to have been sent there to solve a murder case and who will have to deal with a local colleague, a police captain played by Loup-Denis Elion (Domestic scenes, For Sarah), unhappy at not having been put in charge of the affair.

Alongside Annelise Hesme and Loup-Denis Elion, we will note the presence of the actors:

  • Elsa Longhini as a scenographer and former best friend of Annelise Hesme’s character,
  • Adele Choubard (Tiger Lily, four women in life, Stalk) as a super efficient police lieutenant,
  • Eva Darlan (The castle of the Olives, Don’t do this, don’t do that) as the victim’s wife,
  • Axel Auriant (Never happy, Shame France) as the son of the character Elsa Lunghini,
  • Christian Van Tomme (More Beautiful Life, Commissioner Magellan) as a murdered sculptor,
  • the young Milena Sansonetti as a substitute for the prosecutor.

On the program for this Murders in… unpublished: murders, a local legend of revenge, reunions between childhood friends, terrible secrets… but also winks to local specialties and a lovely night-time stroll through the streets of Lille.

Our opinion?

Directed by Laurence Katrianwritten by Isabel Sebastianset to music by Francis Steelthe TV movie Murders in Lille made in the classic Saturday night thriller but still offers a nice cast and even reserves a few surprises.

Learn more:

  • Murders in Lille is broadcast on France 3 on Thursday September 12, 2024 at 9:05 p.m.
  • The TV movie is available in streaming and replay on France.tv
  • Murders in Lille was broadcast for the first time on France 3 on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 9:05 p.m.
Addicted to films, plays, series and culture in general, I like works that surprise me.

Top 3 Cinema: “Breathless” (1960), “Blade Runner” (1982), “Casablanca” (1942)
Top 3 TV : “Engrenages” (2005-…), “The Wire” (2002-2008), “Twin Peaks” (1990-1991)

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