Presentation of the 2025 budget, links between the RN and the macronie, minority excuse, PS congress… “8h30 franceinfo” by Olivier Faure

Presentation of the 2025 budget, links between the RN and the macronie, minority excuse, PS congress… “8h30 franceinfo” by Olivier Faure
Presentation of the 2025 budget, links between the RN and the macronie, minority excuse, PS congress… “8h30 franceinfo” by Olivier Faure

Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS and deputy for Seine-et- was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Thursday October 10, 2024. Presentation of the 2025 budget, links between the RN and the macronie, minority excuse, PS congress …he answered questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.

While the left failed on Tuesday to bring down the Barnier government, lack of support from the National Rally Olivier Faure believes that “it’s support without participation” from the RN to the government of Michel Barnier. “I hope that all those who have so far chosen the National Rally will understand that with the RN, they will have the same policy with Emmanuel Macron on the economic level and they will have Retailleau ‘plus plus’ if that’ is possible with the RN”he said.

The motion of censure tabled by the New Popular Front aimed to show that “we are in the opposition and there was an electoral hold-up that was carried out”continued Olivier Faure.

The government must present its 2025 budget this Thursday and it must detail how it intends to find 60 billion euros in the finance bill (PLF) and the financing of social security (PLFSS) to reduce the deficit to 5% of the GDP in 2025, before trying to fall below 3% in 2029.

“I am obviously in favor of the idea that we must make savings, I am in favor of the idea that we must also find tax resources where they exist”declared Olivier Faure. The Prime Minister announced that he wanted to increase “temporarily” taxes for some “300 companies” whose turnover exceeds 1 billion euros and for the wealthiest households in the country. For Olivier Faure, the fact “to tax large fortunes and large companies in a limited and temporary manner” East “a screen”when lasting efforts will be required “for everyone else”.

“We see it happening in small batches: we can clearly see that it is the retirees who will pay first“, lamented the boss of the PS. On pensions, the government plans to postpone the indexation of pensions by six months, to July 1, which should make it possible to free up “around 4 billion in savings”according to the Ministry of Labor.

The government “wants to make the sick pay”continued Olivier Faure, while the government plans to transfer a fraction of reimbursements for medical consultations to complementary health insurance and to reduce the contribution of Health Insurance to the financing of sick leave.

“I think it’s a possibility that needs to be considered.”a assured the First Secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faurewhile the Minister of Justice Didier Migaud declared on Tuesday that he was not hostile to the idea of ​​dismissing the excuse of minority for facts of a “extreme violence”. “For very serious crimes, for sexual crimes, for blood crimes, the excuse of minority is less justified”added the boss of the PS.

Olivier Faure took the example of the young 14-year-old hitman, suspected of having shot dead a VTC driver in on October 4. “It’s not entirely common. We’re not just going to put him with an electronic bracelet or place him in a closed center. There comes a time when there are still people who present a danger”he admits.

Olivier Faure insisted on the integration aspect. He hopes it’s “possible to recover these young people”. More “this assumes that there is support and that we do not reduce the credits, in particular for the judicial protection of young people. The 500 million euros of which Didier Migaud will be deprived, they are precisely intended for the reintegration of these young peoplehe explains.

“The congress will take place in 2025, as planned by the statutes”confirmed Olivier Faure. But “I am not going to trigger a congress in the middle of a budget debate now”he added, while it is increasingly contested within the PS. “We need a new figure to lead the Socialist Party”launched former President of the Republic François Hollande on Monday.

“We will ensure that the Congress interferes as little as possible and that the French do not have the feeling that socialists spend their lives in congresses”decided the one who has been at the head of the party since 2018, re-elected in January 2023.




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