Julie Gayet pays tribute to Olympe de Gouges

Oh yes, absolutely. I also believe that we are experiencing an American presidential campaign. quite strong. The previous election of Trump was terrible, because he is a politician who represents the United States, therefore who necessarily has an image throughout the world. And he made comments of sexism and violence against journalists! By telling them this girl, she has her period, she is painful or things but terrible. He said a horror which was when you’re famous, you can grab them by the *****. That means when you’re very famous, you can take women by the ******. Finally you realize, a president of the United States who is running this campaign.

It created a movement, the Women’s March. It also certainly created this liberation of women’s voices. And when we see what is happening in Afghanistan, in Iran, Trump’s questioning of abortion, these fundamental rights. And yet in , we included abortion in the Constitution. We try to tell ourselves that we cannot question women’s rights.

Especially as I told you, in a time where there is still a lot of progress. My mom, I say my mom because she will always be my little mom, she didn’t even have her name on her checkbook. She was not allowed to open a bank account without her husband’s permission.

Today things are changing, but there is still a long way to go, so, yes, it is very political. And then Olympe, she was a humanist in fact, feminism didn’t exist. She fought against injustice. I believe that the younger generation, the boys, the young producers, the young people around me, even my sons, I see clearly that they also want to share the tasks, they want to take care of their children. The world is changing. We will all move together.



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