after his comments on Benjamin Haddad, Mélenchon defends himself from anti-Semitism

after his comments on Benjamin Haddad, Mélenchon defends himself from anti-Semitism
after his comments on Benjamin Haddad, Mélenchon defends himself from anti-Semitism


yesterday at 4:28 p.m.,

Updated yesterday at 5:07 p.m.


The rebellious leader believes that the Minister Delegate for Europe is “acquired in the policies of Mr. Netanyahu”. Comments deemed “nauseating” by the government spokesperson.

The extract, barely a minute long, was enough to set things ablaze. In a speech given on Saturday in Mende (Lozère), Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacked the Minister Delegate for European Affairs, Benjamin Haddad, after the death of the leader of Hezbollah in an Israeli raid on Friday. “The minister designated to take care of Europe is committed to Mr. Netanyahu’s policies. And he’s the one who takes care of Europe!”launched the rebellious leader.

Proof according to him that the Old Continent would not do everything possible to resolve the conflict in the Middle East. “If Europe decided to no longer deliver European weapons, the war would end. If Europe stopped trade relations, [Israël] couldn’t hold on”he justified.

Relayed massively on social networks, the declaration caused a reaction even within the government. “The nauseating innuendoes of Jean-Luc Mélenchon against Benjamin Haddad are unworthy of a political leader”thundered this Sunday the spokesperson for the executive, Maud Bregeon, accusing the Insoumis of making an amalgam between the Jewish faith of the minister and his political line.

“Decency and composure”

“The seriousness of the situation requires decency and composure”added the Macronist, while the international community fears a conflagration on Lebanese soil.

Denouncing the accusations of anti-Semitism, Jean-Luc Mélenchon assured to base his judgment on the past comments of Benjamin Haddad. “The proof. Benjamin Haddad said: ‘I am not for a ceasefire. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas terrorism’”he wrote, sharing an interview with the delegate minister on 2.



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