CASE. The MP for Tarn-et-Garonne Brigitte Barèges announces that she is leaving the presidency of the local federation of the Les Républicains party

CASE. The MP for Tarn-et-Garonne Brigitte Barèges announces that she is leaving the presidency of the local federation of the Les Républicains party
CASE. The MP for Tarn-et-Garonne Brigitte Barèges announces that she is leaving the presidency of the local federation of the Les Républicains party

the essential
The deputy for the first constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne, Brigitte Barèges, announces that she is leaving the presidency of the local federation Les Républicains, Friday September 27, 2024. She becomes departmental referent of the Union of Rights for the Republic (UDR), the party launched by Éric Ciotti.

The situation had become untenable. Brigitte Barèges put an end to it. The deputy for the first constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne announced on Friday September 27, 2024 that she was leaving the presidency of the Republicans, in a letter sent to the editorial offices at 10:15 a.m. and which begins her explanation with this meaningful sentence: “The time to clarity has arrived.”

Also read:
CASE. Brigitte Barèges leaves the presidency of the Republicans in Tarn-et-Garonne: an irremediable outcome but not as clear as that

In the three-page missive, which includes her official portrait as a member of the National Assembly, the former mayor of the city of Ingres explains: “The composition of the new government has, unfortunately, highlighted what we feared, namely the dissolution of the LR in Macronie, continues the professional lawyer. It confirms the opaque alliances between the two legislative rounds to elect certain LR deputies, thanks to the support of our long-standing adversaries, including. the New Popular Front (NFP).”

The alliance assumed with the National Rally

An alliance with the outgoing relative majority that was refused, from the start, by the one who was forced to leave her local executive functions and her chair as first city councilor once elected.

Also read:
CASE. Brigitte Barèges leaves the presidency of the Republicans in Tarn-et-Garonne: “It could not be otherwise”, analyzes Mathieu Albugues

“On the contrary, I displayed from the first round with Eric Ciotti an alliance with Jordan Bardella in absolute independence, to straighten out our country so that remains France and that this Union of Rights, so desired by our activists, become reality. I remain convinced that this is the only way to return to victory and offer the French who love their country a majority national representation.”

She joins the Union of Rights for the Republic

An analysis which was however denied during the second round of the legislative elections, since the coalition of the RN and its allies only came in third position behind the NFP and the presidential bloc. Even if it must be clarified that the RN, as a party strictly speakingcompiles the most seats (123 members)…

In her press release, Brigitte Barèges took the opportunity to announce her new position within a new party. “With Éric Ciotti, we have decided to build a large popular and independent party: the Union of Rights for the Republic (UDR). It is in this approach that I am announcing that I am leaving the presidency of our LR federation of Tarn-et -Garonne. I invite all Republicans who love France to join me in participating in this refoundation in my new capacity as departmental representative of the Union of Rights for the Republic. Spread the news: the right is finally taking responsibility and being reborn. “, concludes Ms. Barèges.

Many unanswered questions

However, several questions remain unanswered. The first is obviously whether Ms. Barèges will remain a member of the party, even if she is no longer its president. Contacted on this subject, the national party Les Républicains did not respond to our questions.

The second is obviously to know the name of Ms. Barèges’ successor. While the election is organized, Marie-Claude Berly, departmental secretary of LR82, must act in the interim. Which is reminiscent of the situation experienced in August for the town hall of and Grand Montauban. In the longer term, will she keep the reins of the party? Our calls went unanswered.

Will Mathieu Albugues, who remains faithful to LR’s national line, want to take the risk of launching into battle?
Less than a year before the start of the municipal campaign, the Tarn-et-Garonne right is in tatters…



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